東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
200812 (4期)期所有篇 |
- 女性愛情與婦德的辯證關係──從唐宋傳奇的對比談起 The dialectical relation of the female love and the female virtues ─Discusses from the contrast of the writing on the Tang Song Chuangi
- 《陳眉公家藏祕笈續函》所收《尚書故實》之探究 Discussion and Research on “Shangshu Gushi” in 'Chen, Mel Kong Family Secrets Serials Ⅱ '
- 司馬遷賦論與賦作的歷史地位──以士人使命、文學本質及其頡頏為詮釋據點 The position of SiMaQian’s Fu creation and Fu commentaries in history ─Take the mission of intellectuals, the essence of literature and their contention as basic points for discussion
- 裂變中的傳承──重探王文興《家變》的父子關係與自我認同 To Come Down from the Disconnection of the Tradition ─to Rethink Wang Wen-Hsing's novel Chia Pien about the Conflict between Father and Son and Self-identity