特殊教育季刊 Special Education Quarterly |
202109 (160期)期所有篇 |
- 擋不住的COVID-19:面對特殊需求學生線上體育課程的挑戰與行動呼籲 The Unstoppable COVID-19: A Challenge and Call to Action for Online Physical Education Programs for Students with Special Needs
- 互動式電子白板融入國小學習障礙學生數學教學與直接教學法之成效比較 A Comparison of Using Interactive Whiteboards and a Direct Instruction Approach for Primary School Students with Learning Disabilities on Mathematics Learning Effects
- 高級中等學校資源班教師工作困擾及因應策略之探討 Workplace Problems and Coping Strategies of Resource Room Teachers in Regular High Schools
- 學前融合課程調整之教學實務探討 Curriculum Modification for Teaching Practices in Preschools