特殊教育季刊 Special Education Quarterly |
202006 (155期)期所有篇 |
- 動機式晤談於身心障礙者職業重建服務之應用探討 A Discussion of the Application of Motivational Interviewing on Vocational Rehabilitation Services for Persons with Disabilities
- 高職綜合職能科師生在性別互動議題之交手 The Interaction of Romantic Relationships Issues Between Teachers and Students in Special Classes of Vocational High School
- 功能性動作訓練課程對高中資源班自閉症學生動作精練度之成效 The Effects of Functional Motor Training Courses on Motor Proficiency for Students with ASD in the Resource Room of a Senior High School
- 庇護工場創新經營模式探討──以麥子庇護工場為例 Innovative Business Model of a Sheltered Workshop- A Case Study of Matthew Sheltered Workshop