特殊教育季刊 Special Education Quarterly |
201509 (136期)期所有篇 |
- 學前語音異常兒童的讀寫能力發展 Literacy Outcomes in Preschool Children with Speech Sound Disorder
- 聽障/聾人青少女戀愛關係團體諮商之初探 A Preliminary Study of the Romantic Relationship Counseling Group Project with Deaf Teenage Girls in a Deaf School
- 從臺中市特殊教育評鑑探討IEP之運作 Discussion of the Operation of IEP from the Taichung Special Education Evaluation Point of View
- 身心障礙學生參與國際教育旅行之成效探析 The Effects of International Educational Trips for Students with Disabilities