特殊教育季刊 Special Education Quarterly |
201406 (131期)期所有篇 |
- 大專校院身心障礙學生鑑定工作之辦理現況、困難因應及未來發展方向 The Current Status and Future Parameters ofIdentification of Students with Special EducationNeeds at the Colleges and Universities
- 使用大腦神經科學協助教師改善單純注意力缺乏兒童的學習問題 Using Neuroscientific Knowledge to Help Teachersto Improve the Learning Problems in Children withADHD-Inattention
- 非標準化學習潛能中介模式動態評量對國中資源班學生數學學習成效初探 The Learning Effects of Applying the LearningPotential Assessment Device of Dynamic Assessmentto Junior High School Special Education Students inMath Resource Classroom: A Pilot Study
- 視皮質損傷診斷評量之探究 Exploration of the Assessments of Cortical VisualImpairment