特殊教育季刊 Special Education Quarterly |
201212 (125期)期所有篇 |
- 協助身心障礙學生做好就業轉銜準備 Approaches for Supporting Students with Disabilities to Assess Employment Transition
- 高中職階段身心障礙學生全校性轉銜方案的設計原則 The Principles of School-Wide Transition Program for Students with Special Needs in a High School
- 由障礙模式的演變談ICF分類系統 The Evolution of Models of Disability and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
- 全國特殊教育資訊網的回顧與展望 The Past, Current and Future of National Special Education Information Network
- 特殊教育特許學校之芻議 Combining Charter School and Special Education Function: A Proposal