教育科學研究期刊 Journal of Research in Education Sciences |
201003 (55:1期)期所有篇 |
- 兒童如何在重複中找到規律?重複樣式的程序性與概念性知識 How Do Children Find Patterns in Reiteration? Procedural Knowledge and Conceptual Knowledge in IdentifyingRepeating Patterns
- 角色楷模課程對高中數理資優女生性別角色、生涯自我效能與生涯發展影響之研究 The Effects of a Mentoring Curriculum on Gender Roles, Career Self-Efficacy, and Career Development in a High School Class for Gifted Girls in Math and Science
- 高中同儕寫作回饋的效度與效果探析 Peer Feedback on Writing in a High School: Analysis of the Validity and Effect
- 視障青少年同儕社交需求與社交挑戰之探究 A Study on the Needs and the Challenges of Peer Social Interaction in Adolescents with Visual Impairments
- 透過現職教師建構國中健康與體育學習領域之自尊教學指標 Promoting Self-Esteem in Junior High School Students by Building Teaching Indicators: A Survey of Health and PhysicalEducation Teachers
- 大學生選課自主性動機與學習投入之關係 The Relationship between Autonomous Motivation of Course-Taking and Learning Engagement on College Students
- 幼教人員對女性主管行政領導認知態度之調查研究 The Survey Study of Early Childhood Educators’ Cognitive Attitudes Towards the Administrational Leadership of Female Managers