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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
The Effects of a Mentoring Curriculum on Gender Roles, Career Self-Efficacy, and Career Development in a High School Class for Gifted Girls in Math and Science |
作者 |
于曉平、林幸台 (Hsin-Tai Lin) |
中文摘要 |
本研究探討角色楷模課程之實施對高中數理資優女生性別角色、生涯自我效能與其生涯發展的影響,並嘗試進行理論的驗證。本研究以自編的角色楷模課程進行教學實驗,並以自編之「高中女生性別角色與發展量表」進行施測,嘗試透過角色楷模課程的介入,瞭解其對數理資優女生性別角色、生涯自我效能與其生涯發展的影響與變化,透過22 週的課程後調查與追蹤發現,角色楷模課程對數理資優女生性別角色、生涯自我效能與生涯發展雖有所提升,但並無顯著影響,不過從學生課程中所寫之心得分析發現,角色楷模課程對學生性別角色態度的覺知、生涯自我效能的提升與生涯發展方向的確認與瞭解都有正向的幫助,之後並進行追蹤瞭解後續的影響。此外,配合Bandura(1977)所提出之自我效能理論加以驗證,以瞭解成就、角色楷模、情緒、支持與生涯自我效能的關聯,並提出教育與研究上的建議。 |
英文摘要 |
This study examined a mentoring curriculum to understand its influences on gender roles,career self-efficacy, and career development choices in adolescent girls who were students in a senior high school class for gifted students in math and science. After the 22-week curriculum, itfound that the mentoring didn’t have a significant influence on the girls’ gender roles, career self-efficacy, or career development. However students indicated that the curriculum helped them to be more aware of gender roles, and they better knew how to promote career self-efficacy, and to better plan their future career development. Techniques taught in the curriculum to improve self-efficacy were viewed as beneficial. According to the above findings, there were some suggestions proposed for readers. |
起訖頁 |
27-61 |
關鍵詞 |
生涯自我效能、生涯發展、角色楷模課程、性別角色、數理資優女生、career self-efficacy、career development、mentoring curriculum、gender roles、gifted girls in math and science |
刊名 |
教育科學研究期刊 |
期數 |
201003 (55:1期) |
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