201912 (32期)期所有篇 |
- 仰首看永恆——《奇萊前(後)書》中的追憶與抵抗 Gazing upon Eternity: Remembrance and Resistance in The Former (and The Latter) Book of Mt. Ch'i-Lai
- 「這奇異的旅程!」:周瘦鵑的亞森羅蘋小說翻譯與民初上海 'A Strange Voyage!'' : Zhou Shoujuan's Translations of Arsène Lupin Stories in Early Republican Shanghai
- 宋春舫戲劇譯介工作的多樣性與當代性(1919-1937) Diversity and Contemporaneity of Soong Tsung-faung's Introduction of European Drama into China, 1919-1937
- 雙重底本的抉擇:《木偶奇遇記》的轉譯現象 Between Two Mediating Texts: Indirect Translation of Le avventure di Pinocchio
- 歷代僧傳中「示寂夢」的書寫與特色 The Buddhist Hagiographical Writings of ''the Nirvana Dreams'' and Their Features
- 金和尚的聖化聲跡及其與敦煌行腳僧圖之關係 The Relationship Between Monk Jin's Sanctifying Achievements and Dunhuang ''Monk on Pilgrimage''
- 東西之間:杜亞泉的文明論與倫理視域 Du Yaquan's Discourse on Civilization: Negotiating an Ethical Vision Between East and West
- 必要與艱難——張放解嚴後小說身分敘事探析 Necessity and Difficulty: The Identity Narrative of Zhang Fang's Novels After the Lifting of Martial Law
- 《異體字字典》未收字研究——以《字彙》為範圍 A Study on Missing Characters from Dictionary of Chinese Character Variants: Using Zi Hui as the Scope of Research