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'A Strange Voyage!'' : Zhou Shoujuan's Translations of Arsène Lupin Stories in Early Republican Shanghai
作者 陳碩文
晚清翻譯小說種類繁多,其中,偵探小說尤受讀者歡迎。然而,相對 於福爾摩斯(Sherlock Holmes)故事在當時及現今學界所引起的關注,與 柯南道爾(Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle,1859-1930)齊名的法國小說家 勒布朗(Maurice Leblanc,1864-1941)創造的亞森羅蘋(Arsène Lupin)故 事,卻要直至 1912 年方於中國現身,且較少受到注意。 現代中國重要的通俗文學大家,同時也是著名編輯、譯者的周瘦鵑 (1895-1968),自 1914 年起開始譯介亞森羅蘋故事,稱之為「胠篋之王」, 直至二、三○年代,他更陸續翻譯了數十篇亞森羅蘋故事,稱道亞森羅蘋 小說妙不可言,不但能當偵探小說讀,更可看作是武俠小說,並主導了《亞 森羅蘋案全集》的推出,貢獻可謂最力。通過周瘦鵑的潤飾、改寫與翻譯, 「紳士怪盜」(gentleman 從法國到上海,從「劇盜」到「義俠」,周瘦鵑的亞森羅蘋翻譯小說融合了西方偵探小說及傳統俠義小說的元素,為當時的讀者營造出了一片都市江湖,洋溢著蘊含英雄兒女之情的家國想像。亞森羅蘋在近現代中國的奇異旅程,其特色與意涵,無疑值得從更全面的視野,通過細膩比對中、法、英譯本,加以爬梳分析,而這也是本文著力的目標。
During the late Qing and early Republican periods, translations of western detective novels were popular in China-especially Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's famous stories of Sherlock Holmes. Over the decade after these stories were introduced into China, the number of Chinese translations of stories about this famous British detective steadily increased and, to a certain extent, inspired Chinese writers to write their own detective novels. The translation and transculturation of the Sherlock Holmes stories has already attracted interest from many scholars. However, much less research has been done on the ''gentleman-cambrioleur'' (gentleman burglar) Arsène Lupin, and his adventures. These stories by the equally famous French novelist Maurice Leblanc were not introduced into China until 1912. This paper examines the Chinese translations of Arsène Lupin during the twentieth century, in the early republican Shanghai. As a famous popular literature writer, editor, and translator, Zhou Shoujuan contributed the most in translating Arsène Lupin stories into Chinese at that time. Through Zhou's adaptation and modification of the original texts and characters, Arsène Lupin travelled throughout China. By transforming Arsène Lupin into a mercurial character, known as ''Xia,'' after an ancient Chinese warrior folk hero, Zhou created a unique fictional world for his readers. Through transcultural comparisons and close examination, this paper discusses how Zhou Shoujuan shaped the image of Arsène Lupin from a burglar in France to a folk hero in Shanghai. It also examines how Zhou Shoujuan showed his cultural imagination through translations; and demonstrates how his translations and interpretations represent the dialogue between Chinese and Western literary traditions and cultural values. In the last section, the paper illustrates the cultural connotations of Arsène Lupin's extraordinary adventures in modern China by carefully comparing the original French texts with their Chinese and English translations.
起訖頁 39-82
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201912 (32期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 仰首看永恆——《奇萊前(後)書》中的追憶與抵抗
該期刊-下一篇 宋春舫戲劇譯介工作的多樣性與當代性(1919-1937)




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