201012 (14期)期所有篇 |
- 漢譯佛典中的蓮華色尼文學故事類型攷述 A Literary Survey of the Utpala-varna Stories in the Chinese Buddhist Canon
- 獅子與佛陀:早期漢譯佛教文獻中的動物裝飾與象徵 Lion and the Buddha: The Ornament and Symbolism of Animals in Chinese Buddhist Literature
- 從漢譯佛典僧人「神通」到《高僧傳》僧人「神異」:佛教中土化過程的考察面向 From Supernormal Powers to Thaumaturgy: The Indigenization of Indian Buddhism in the Gaoseng zhuan
- 儀徵劉氏的校讎工作與校讎條例論析 An Analysis on The Works and Regulations of Proofreading by Liu Yizheng
- 《開元釋教錄》中的〈別分乘藏錄〉考察 The Studies of“Bie Fencheng Canglu” in Kaiyuan Shijiao Lu
- 「感傷詩人」的詩學追索──解析船山「自有五言,未有康樂;既有康樂,更無五言」說 The sentimental Poet Thinking upon Poetry Alteration-to Analysis Wang Quanshan's commentary: “Since had five-character Poems, there is no one’s accomplishment like Xie Lingyun; and Xie’s poetry had emergence already, there is no five-character Poems to place on a par”
- 欲望、換喻與小它物:當代漢語詩的後現代修辭與文化政治 Desire, Metonymy, and Objet petit a: Postmodern Rhetoric and Cultural Politics in Contemporary Chinese Poetry
- 點鐵成金:湯顯祖《牡丹亭》傳奇的改寫策略及其文化意蘊 From Mediocre Short Story to Famous Play: Tang Xianzu’s Transformation of The Peony Pavilion from Fiction to Play