不存在的傳統:論陳世驤的抒情傳統 The Tradition Which Never Exists: “The Lyric Tradition in China”by Chen Shi-xiang
從律詩美典到中國文化史的抒情傳統──高友工「抒情美典論」初探 From the“Aesthetics of Regulated Verse” to the “Lyrical Tradition”: A Study of Kao Yu-kung’s Conception of Chinese Lyricism
何謂「中國文學」?──對「中國文學」概念及其相關問題的討論 What is “Chinese literature”? A discussion on concept of Chinese Literature and relevant issues
《夢溪筆談》〈象數〉門中的「象數」與「環中」──論沈括的命理觀與象數觀 About symbolic-mathematics and the center of circle of the part of “Symbolic-mathematics” in Mengxi Bitan - Discussing destiny and symbolic- mathematics of Shen Gua
論黃宗羲「盈天地皆心」之義蘊 The Meaning of “the universe is full of hsin (mind/heart)” by Huang ZhongXi
詩意與政治的悖反──析論「散文三大家」的文體特徵及其得失 Poetic sentiment and political offensiveness: A critical assessment of style of writing, features, merits and demerits