從《赤嵌集》看孫元衡任職臺灣海防同知的處境與心境 Circumstance and the mental state of Sun Yuanheng as the sub-prefect of Taiwan in the Chi Kan Collections
東亞津梁──臺灣航海歲計的成立與影響(1895-1905) The Bridge of East Asia - The Establishment and Influences of the Annual Budget of Navigation
日治時期公學校臺籍男性教師的薪資變動研究 The Wage Fluctuation on Common Schools' Male Teachers during the Japanese Colonial Period
戰後初期臺灣山地選制的建立—以基層民意代表為例(1946-1951) The electoral system of aboriginal area in the early post-war period-A study on the aboriginal representatives(1946-1951)
華僑與戰後臺灣觀光事業(1956-1990) Overseas Chinese and the Postwar Tourism Industry of Taiwan (1956-1990)