從論點、論證與邏輯形式談〈幸福何在〉與〈注意差距〉兩篇散文 The Study on Arguments, Evidences and Logical Forms between ''Where Is Happiness''and''Note the Gap'' Abstract
概述臺灣文學館所推動之大型研究與出版計畫──從作家全集、詩人選集到研究資料彙編等 The Overview of Large-Scale Research and Publishing Projects Promoted by the National Museum of Taiwan Literature: About Collected Editions, Anthologies of Taiwan Verse, Compilations of Research Materials on Taiwan Writers
《關聖帝君大解冤經》的解冤意識淺釋 The Understanding of the Settlement of the Injustice save of the Great Emperor of Guan San