202108 (29期)期所有篇 |
- 我國犯罪三大幫派屬性之研究 A Study on the Attributes of the Three Big Gangs
- Static-99之再認識與靜態廿廿量表之轉置 Recognition of the Static-99 and Transposition of the Static-2020TW Scale
- 臺灣為何犯罪下降──從Farrell的「初次犯罪假定」思考 Why the Crime Drop in Taiwan: Speculation from Farrell’s “Debut Crime Hypothesis”
- 戒護人員與收容人對矯正機關全面開放異性戒護之意向分析 Analysis of the Intention of Guards and Inmates to Open up Heterosexual Guarding Policy in Correctional Institutions
- 中文語音測謊技術開發初探 A Preliminary Research of Chinese Acoustic Lie Detection Technology Exploitation
- 美國警政人員與精神醫療專業人員合作模式之淺析 Introducing Different Types of Crisis Response Partnership between the Police and Mental Health Professionals in the United States