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Chengchi Law Review





★本刊入列為TSSCI資料庫期刊收錄名單 【學界的肯定】創刊迄今已四十年的政大法學評論向來居於臺灣法學界領導地位,在臺灣社會科學期刊指標TSSCI中,本刊即為


第 一 條 本刊為定期刊物,自第一三四期起,一年四期,分別於每年三月、六月、九月、十二月出版。
第 二 條 本刊英文版電子期刊自二○○三年起出刊,每年出版一至二次,文稿均由本刊中英文稿件中選取,本刊亦得選擇將來稿或其譯文僅刊登於英文版電子期刊,凡來稿為華人地區法律之比較者,將優先譯刊。不同意將來稿刊於電子期刊者,請先註明。
第 三 條 凡有關法學論著、書評、實務評析、研討會論文及兩岸研究五類均歡迎投稿,並請註明所屬類別。文稿引證請依學術慣例,並統一於文末列具參考文獻。有關註解格式必須與本系「政大法學評論論文註解範式」所規定者一致(本系網址:http://www.law.nccu.edu.tw/verC/Cmain.html)。來稿如無註解、未符合本刊規定之註解範式,一稿數投、全部或主要部分已在其他刊物或將在其他刊物發表,或其他情節重大不適宜刊登者,恕不刊登。
第 四 條 本刊歡迎中外文稿件,來稿以1萬2千字至5萬字為限(含本文及註解)。若不符合字數限制者,得逕予退稿。
第四條之一 來稿為二人以上共同撰寫者請於稿件中註明作者順位、分工情形,並檢附各作者同意聯名投稿之書面文件。
第 五 條 來稿均應附十個左右的中英文關鍵詞、三百字左右之中文摘要及五百字以下之英文摘要。經審查通過決定採用之稿件其英文篇名、關鍵詞與摘要,本刊均得潤飾,並載於網站。
第 六 條 來稿請用打字稿,一式三份,請寄中華民國11605台北市文山區指南路二段64號政治大學法律學系辦公室;並定附上電子檔,使用軟體以Microsoft Office為原則,請逕寄本刊電子信箱(E-mail: editor@nccu.edu.tw)。
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第 八 條 稿件一經刊登,文責自負;本刊原則上不給付稿費,但贈送抽印本二十份。
第 九 條 稿件刊登三個月後,所有稿件將收入本校圖書館學術期刊全文資料庫,供圖書館使用者查閱。
第 十 條 投稿著作經本刊刊登後,所有列名作者同意本刊得以非專屬授權方式再授權經本刊授權之資料庫,並得以數位方式為必要之重製、公開傳輸、授權用戶下載及列印等行為。為符合資料庫編輯之需要,並得進行格式之變更。授權資料庫利用,若係有償,由本刊及作者均分。作者交付稿件時,應一併附上著作權授權書。

NCCU Law Review
Guidelines for Contributors
Article 1   NCCU Law Review (hereafter ‘the Review’), starting from its 134th issue, publishes its traditional Chinese version four issues per year, in March, June, September and December respectively. And the simplified Chinese version might be published depending on actual circumstances.
Article 2   The Review, starting from 2003, also publishes an English e-journal, with one or two issues each year, where papers are also selected from the manuscripts submitted to the Review. A manu-script, or its translated version, may be accepted for publication in the e-journal only. Articles related to the comparison of laws in Chinese communities will be given preference for the e-journal. Contributors shall notify the Review in advance if they do not wish for their manuscript to be published in the e-journal.
Article 3   Manuscripts of academic papers on law, book reviews, case analy-ses, conference papers and cross-strait research are all invited; the contributor must specify to which of the categories the manuscript belongs. Citations and references should follow the conventions of academic papers in law, and references should be listed at the end of the paper. For the correct format on footnotes, please consult NCCU Law Review Format of Notes, which can be viewed at the Department’s website: (http://www.law.nccu.edu.tw/verC/Cmain. html). Manuscripts without footnotes, double submitting, or the content of the paper was published or accepted in whole or in part by other journals, will be rejected for publication by the Review.
Article 4   Manuscripts can be submitted in either Chinese or English. The  word count of the manuscript, shall be in between 12,000 to 50,000 words. (including text and footnotes) NCCU Law Review reserves the right to reject any manuscript that exceeds such limitation.
Article 4-1 If a manuscript is authored by two or more than two contributors, the order and the contributors’ distribution of the research work must be specified, and a written document in proof of the consent for the co-submission from each of the contributors must be at-tached.
Article 5   Manuscripts in Chinese shall include approximately ten keywords in both Chinese and English, an abstract in Chinese around 300 characters, and an English abstract no more than 500 words. The editor reserves the right to modify the English title, keywords, and abstracts of a manuscript that has been accepted for publication, and to place the above-mentioned title, key words and abstracts on the Review’s website.
Article 6   Manuscripts must be typewritten, were three hard copies should be sent to the Department of Law, National Chengchi University, No. 64, Section 2, Zhi-nan Rd., Wenshan District, Taipei, 11605 and a soft copy (in MS word format) should be submitted to Editor’s email (editor@nccu.edu.tw).
Article 7   All manuscripts submitted shall undergo the anonymous peer re-view process and contributors will be notified of the results promptly. If a contributor withdraws his or her manuscript while it is undergoing reviewing process, submits the manuscript elsewhere simultaneously, or commits any misconduct against academic eth-ics, the contributor shall be suspended from submitting for three years.
Article 8   Once a manuscript is accepted for publication, it is author(s)’ re-sponsibility to ascertain the accuracy of all factual materials. The Review will not provide any remuneration to the authors, instead, twenty off-prints will be provided to the authors in honor of the contribution.
Article 9   Three months after publication, all published manuscripts will be collected into NCCU library’s academic journals full text database to be used by all library users.
Article 10  All authors agree that, if necessary, the Review may further license the published manuscripts to other electronic databases chosen by the Review. Such licensed-databases will have a no-exclusive right to reproduce, make public transmission, permitting qualified users to download or printing the manuscripts via electronic means. All authors further agree that the database may change manuscript’s format should the database has any editorial needs. Should the Re-view have any financial gain from any license-database, the Re-view will share such proceeds equally with all authors, excluding necessary expenses and taxes. All authors shall submit the Copy-right License Form supplied by the Review when submitting the manuscripts to the Review.

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