篇名 | 高低迴避傾向嬰兒的挫折反應之比較 |
並列篇名 | A comparison of the reactions between infants with high- versus low-avoidance tendency in induced frustrations |
作者 | 黃世琤、李麗雯 |
中文摘要 | 本研究共58名(6至12個月)嬰兒與母親參與,分別由陌生人與母親經實驗程序引發嬰兒挫折經驗,藉由測量嬰兒生理反應與負向行為,以瞭解高低迴避傾向嬰兒之反應差異。結果顯示,嬰兒在挫折階段之哭泣行為顯著高於餅乾餵食階段。分析心跳速率變化量則發現迴避傾向與互動對象間之顯著交互作用,面對陌生人情境時,高迴避傾向嬰兒心跳速率變化量顯著大於低迴避傾向嬰兒,面對母親情境時高低迴避傾向嬰兒間則無差異。結果亦發現迴避傾向與實驗階段間之顯著交互作用,挫折階段中,高迴避傾向嬰兒心跳速率變化量顯著大於低迴避傾向嬰兒,餅乾餵食階段中高低迴避傾向嬰兒間則無差異。高迴避傾向嬰兒於面對陌生人情境以及於挫折階段中之心跳速率變化量均顯著大於低迴避傾向嬰兒之研究發現有助於瞭解高低迴避氣質傾向嬰兒於挫折反應之差異,並對高迴避傾向嬰兒之教養具參考價值。 |
英文摘要 | The present study attempted to compare the reactions of infants with high- and low-avoidance tendency in induced-frustration conditions. Fifty-eight six- to twelve-months-old infants and their mothers participated. In the experimental procedure, half of the infants were assigned to a session where they experienced his/her mother first followed by a stranger, and the other half in a session with reverse encounter order. In each session, infants' heart rates and crying behaviors were recorded in the baseline, cookie-offering, frustration induction, and recovery phases. Results found that infants cried more during frustration phase than cookie-offering phase. For the heart rates, a significant interaction was found between the avoidance and person who induced the frustration. Compared to infants with low-avoidance, infants with high avoidance tendency had more changes changed heart rates when facing strangers. A significant interaction between the avoidance and experimental phases was found. Follow-up analysis found that infants with high avoidance tendency had greater changes in their heart rates during frustration than infants with low avoidance. These findings suggested that in a mild frustration induction procedure, infants with high avoidance tendency exhibited greater changes in heart rates than those with low-avoidance in frustration, particularly in the stranger induced frustration. Understanding the reactions of infants with high avoidance tendency in frustration situation may have important implications for parenting. |
起訖頁 | 539-554 |
關鍵詞 | 心跳速率、挫折、氣質、frustration、 heart rate、temperament |
刊名 | 教育心理學報 |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系 |
期數 | 201406 (45:4期) |
DOI | 10.6251/BEP.20131028 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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