教育心理學報 Bulletin of Educational Psychology |
201406 (45:4期)期所有篇 |
- 對負向刺激的注意力偏誤假設暨不同負向價性對注意力偏誤修正訓練效果的檢驗 Examining the Phenomenon of Negative Attention Bias and Exploring the Effects of the Materials with Different Valence on Attention Bias Modification Training
- 臺灣中老年人外向性及神經質人格、社會支持與主觀幸福感關係之模型建構及其結構係數比較 Modeling Extraversion and NeuroticPersonality, Social Support, and Subjective Well-being of the Middle-Aged and Older People in Taiwan: Comparison of Structural Models
- 幼兒對道德事件之情緒歸因解釋能力 Young Children’s Justifications of Emotion Attributions of Moral Events
- 不同範例與解題組合對初學者在學習上的影響 The effect of different combinations of examples and problems on novices' learning
- 短期社區諮商介入災難救援場域之初探性研究:以八八水災的心理復健工作為例 Preliminary Study of Brief Community Counseling Services at a Disaster Rescued Location: Mental Health Interventions for Typhoon Morakot
- 高低迴避傾向嬰兒的挫折反應之比較 A comparison of the reactions between infants with high- versus low-avoidance tendency in induced frustrations
- 中文兒童代名詞推論能力的發展研究:提及順位與性別語義特徵的影響 The development of pronoun resolution for Chinese young readers: The effects of order of mention and gender semantic features