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Examining the Phenomenon of Negative Attention Bias and Exploring the Effects of the Materials with Different Valence on Attention Bias Modification Training
作者 胡毓權邱發忠陳學志
中文摘要 研究目的:檢驗對負向刺激的注意力偏誤假設,同時探討刺激的不同負向價性程度對注意力偏誤修正訓練的效果。研究方法與結果:研究一透過眼動儀觀察21名參與者在中性與負向配對刺激呈現時的眼動歷程,結果支持注意力偏誤現象,參與者傾向注視負向刺激。研究二選取51名參與者,隨機分配至高負向價性組、低負向價性組,及導向負向組中。檢視三組參與者經訓練程序後,對注意力偏誤修正的效果。結果發現,注意力偏誤修正訓練能夠減少參與者對負向刺激注意偏誤的傾向,同時降低對恐懼刺激的肌肉活動電位激發與對負向刺激反應的恐懼感受。此外,當刺激威脅性提高時,能夠提升注意力偏誤修正訓練的效果。研究結論:1.對負向刺激的注意力偏誤假設獲得支持;2.注意力偏誤修正訓練能夠降低負向刺激注意偏誤的傾向,與降低對負向刺激的恐懼情緒反應;3.高負向價性組的材料,與低負向價性組比較起來,有較佳的注意力偏誤修正效果。
英文摘要 Purpose:The purpose of the present study is to examine the assumption of biased attention toward negative stimuli and to explore the influence of the materials with differential negative valences on attention bias modification (ABM) training effect. Methods and Results:In Study 1, twenty-one participants' eye movement were measured while showing paired stimuli which consisted of one negative picture and one neutral picture. Results supported the hypothesis that participants' first gaze tended to be on the negative cues, and they maintained their gaze longer on the negative cues than the neutral cues. In Study 2, fifty-one participants were randomly allocated to the three groups: High negative valence group (the paired materials consisted of higher negative pictures and neutral pictures), low negative valence group (the paired materials consisted of lower negative pictures and neutral pictures), and negative group (the paired materials consisted of higher negative and lower negative pictures paired with neutral pictures). Each group was directed differential attentional responses to emotional stimuli accordingly by using a modified dot probe task (the high negative valence group and the low negative valence group were trained to develop the tendency to selectively orient attention away from negative information, and the control group was trained to develop the tendency to selectively orient attention toward negative information). The impact of attentional manipulation on subsequent attentional bias test and emotional vulnerability was examined. Results supported the hypothesis that the attentional bias modification procedure was effective in inducing attentional avoidance of negative information. Furthermore, this attentional manipulation served to reduce fear scores and to attenuate EMG responses to a subsequent horror movie. Moreover, increasing stimulus threat enhanced alert to negative stimuli, and participants' first gaze to negative stimuli. Results suggested that higher negative materials paired with neutral materials provided greater effect of attention bias modification than lower negative materials. Conclusions:1. The results supported the hypothesis of attention bias; 2. The attentional bias modification procedure was effective in inducing attentional avoidance of negative information; 3. The attentional bias modification procedure served to reduce fear; 4. Higher negative materials paired with neutral materials provide greater effect of attention bias modification than lower negative materials.
起訖頁 435-454
關鍵詞 注意力偏誤修正訓練對負向刺激的注意力偏誤價性attention bias modificationnegative attention biasvalence
刊名 教育心理學報
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系
期數 201406 (45:4期)
DOI 10.6251/BEP.20130711.3  複製DOI  DOI申請

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