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Professional Collaboration between Doctors and Lawyers in Advance Care Planning
作者 謝宛婷洪嘉蔚
中文摘要 預立照護計畫是個人對於未來醫療決定、身體照顧、決策代 理人與監護人選定、財產規劃、遺囑與後事安排整體規劃的討 論。醫師熟悉預立醫療決定,但對監護制度、財產規劃、遺囑等 法規範缺乏認知,律師習於財產分配與遺囑等法律,卻對醫療決 定的自主保障做法陌生,本文建議建構醫師與律師協作模式以克 服現有的障礙,同時提出跨專業學習與執行經驗的再造、讓律師 成為醫療照護體系中的常態性成員、推廣高齡照護律師的認證與 執業指引等來推動預立照護計畫的協作,也建議我國進行相關的 實證研究,以因應高齡社會中法律的典範轉移。
英文摘要 Advance care planning is the process of discussing and documenting one's preference about future medical decisions, physical care, attorney, guardianship and living wills. Physicians are familiar with advance decisions, but they lack awareness of legal issues. Lawyers are familiar with laws, but are unfamiliar with the patient autonomy. In order to overcome existing obstacles, this article proposes the reconstruction of cross-professional learning and executing experience, making lawyers a regular member of the medical care system, and promoting the certification and practice guidelines of geriatric law. It is suggested more research evidence to respond to this aging society and facilitate the legal reform.
起訖頁 149-188
關鍵詞 醫師律師預立照護計畫高齡法律監護制度 病人自主醫療決定doctors lawyers advance care planning geriatric law guardianship patient autonomy medical decisions
刊名 成大法學
出版單位 國立成功大學法律學研究所;成大法學編輯委員會
期數 202012 (40期)
DOI 10.53106/168067192020120040003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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