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From Incumbent to Transitional Energy Policy: An Emerging Reconfiguration Pathway of Taiwan’s Electricity Supply (1998-2020)
作者 張國暉徐健銘
中文摘要 自1998年第一次全國能源會議討論改變電力結構,迄今廿餘年該議題仍是能源政策轉變的重心,惟因牽涉核電而使相關政策更形複雜。本文參酌國家中心能源政策架構原型,蒐羅國內外歷年能源結構、全國能源會議結論、能源政策綱領與原則、行動方案、相關法案討論等資料,試圖解析我國電力供給政策架構之既存路徑、變遷歷程及關鍵行動者等,另提出符合臺灣脈絡的架構。本文認為2016年後,我國政策架構漸呈轉型理論中重新配置路徑的雛形,而有別於其他國家的替代或變形模式。然而,啟動中的轉型尚未形成足夠動量,目前仍有許多挑戰,本文亦予分析。
英文摘要 The change of electricity generation structure was openly debated since the First National Energy Conference in 1998, embedding within the historical context of Taiwan’s controversy over nuclear power after two decades, and it has been one of the trickiest issues that generates political conflicts till now. By using a state-centered energy framework as a theoretical reference and focusing on analyzing the materials of National Energy Conferences, energy policy frameworks, and official energy data over the past three decades, this paper proposes a way to explain Taiwan’s national electricity framework in line with context and how it works and changes over time. This paper also argues the political structure of electricity generation has presented a reconfiguration pathway after 2016, which differed from the substitute and transformation modes in other countries. However, this transition still needs to confront and resolve a series of challenges that this paper also attempts to address.
起訖頁 1-74
關鍵詞 能源政策能源轉型轉型研究電力轉型重新配置路徑
刊名 人文及社會科學集刊
出版單位 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心(原:中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所)
期數 預刊 (36-37卷(2024-2025)期)
DOI 10.53106/1018189X202203101  複製DOI  DOI申請

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