篇名 | 從意識經驗的引導到活出天主的肖像 |
並列篇名 | From the Leading of Conscious Experience to the Living of Image of God |
作者 | 胡淑琴 |
中文摘要 | 「教育」的意義在於「引出」那未經雕琢的人性,而「意識經驗」(conscious experience)的引導是教育工作者的一大挑戰。本文試從意識經驗切入,提出Rahner(1976/1978)之「意識結構」的哲學觀點;並介紹Dilts(1990)的「邏輯層次」(logical level),視為經驗引導的一種參考框架,指出引導的層次和秩序,看出身分認同是人理解其經驗的關鍵。一般的身分認同與宗教身分認同,都可以「由下而上」來主動獲得,同時也需要「由上而下」被賦予。最後,從基督宗教的立場,肯定人是「天主的肖像」,並簡要描述身分認同形成的過程,期望有助於教育工作者在經驗引導時的參考。 |
英文摘要 | “Education” means to lead the unpolished part of humanity, while how to guide or lead conscious experience is a challenge for all educators. This paper aims to explore our conscious experience, offering Karl Rahner’s philosophical concepts about the structure and operation of human consciousness, and will introduce Robert Dilts’ “logical level”, considered as a framework for guiding experience. This model points out the different logical level of our experience and orders for guidance, revealing the importance of the level of identity. Ordinary or religious identity can be acquired from bottom-up initiatives, and also be graciously given from the top down. We shall take Christianity the “Image of God” as an example, trying to unfold the process of the formation of identity, hoping to provide some insights for educators in experience-guidance. |
起訖頁 | 063-085 |
關鍵詞 | 意識經驗、意識結構、邏輯層次、身分認同、天主的肖像、conscious experience、structure of consciousness、logical level、identity、Image of God |
刊名 | 生命教育研究 |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣大學生命教育研發育成中心;社團法人台灣生命教育學會 |
期數 | 201506 (7:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/207466012015060701004 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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