  1. 熱門:
Educational Function of the Funeral in The Analects of Confucius
作者 許詠晴



There are numerous records about funeral and sacrifice written in The Analects of Confucius. It is seen that Confucius put more emphasis on the rites, dealing with those who passed away and the ultimate concern of funeral and sacrifice. Confucius lived in a time when rites and music were in ruins and that all rites and rules were incorrectly practiced. Despite of the fact that the behaviors of people violated the rites, some documents about it were also lost. Meanwhile, in order to coordinate with the transformation of time and social and economic conditions, some rites began to change. With rites and music being in ruins, the tradition of three-year mourning was doubted. Based on the emotional requirement of all people, Confucius used three-year mourning as the foundation and made funeral more common so as to launch education through ultimate concern. This study aims to discuss the role of funeral as the external key event which triggers people’s real emotion to fully express. And with the emergence of inner true feelings, it turns out to be the motivation for people to implement rites and ethic regulations thus becomes the beginning of “practicing Ren”. Lastly, in addition to respond to inner emotions, explanation about the function of funeral which also possesses feature of external inspiration is introduced. With a step-by-step analysis, the study shows how the emotional theory constructed by physical and mental settlement of the living facilitates educational function of the funeral.

起訖頁 021-046
關鍵詞 喪禮《論語》Ceremonies of mourningRenfeel at easeThe Analects of Confucius
刊名 生命教育研究
出版單位 國立臺灣大學生命教育研發育成中心;社團法人台灣生命教育學會
期數 201506 (7:1期)
DOI 10.3966/207466012015060701002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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