篇名 | 教師專業成長之個案研究:一位國中自然教師探究教學觀點的轉變 |
並列篇名 | A Case Study of a Teacher’s Professional Development: A Junior High School Teacher’s Views on Inquiry Teaching |
作者 | 陳均伊 |
中文摘要 | 本研究為個案研究,採開放編碼進行資料分析,探討專業成長情境中一位國中自然教師對於探究教學觀點的轉變,以及專業成長情境對其轉變的成效。蒐集會議錄影、問卷、訪談、課室觀察與文件等資料,發現個案教師在參與專業成長計畫初期,認為探究教學的實施必須是開放、具有固定程序,進行科展是最佳策略。歷經專業成長計畫的參與,個案教師對於探究教學的觀點產生轉變,認為探究教學具有不同的開放程度與實施方式,課前體驗活動能有效解決時間不足的問題,惟,科學本質仍受到忽略。在專業成長情境中,合作、對話、反思是促進教師專業發展的重要元素,影響個案教師產生轉變的策略有:閱讀具有實例的文獻、撰寫與討論教案、教學觀摩等。 |
英文摘要 | This case study was conducted as part of a professional development project. A science teacher’s views on inquiry teaching and the effect of this professional development project were investigated. The data included meeting records, an open-ended questionnaire, formal and informalinterviews, classroom observations and artifacts. The method of open coding was adopted to analyze the data. It was found that the case teacher thought that inquiry teaching had to be open-ended andinitially include routine procedures. She indicated that the science fair was the only way to implement inquiry teaching in schools. After participating in this professional development project, she interpreted inquiry teaching in a more flexible and extensive manner. Activities before classes were planned to increase teaching efficiency. However, the subject’s inquiry teaching had a weak relationship with the nature of science. Collaboration, discussion and review were viewed as criticalelements of professional development. Case discussion, lesson plan writing and discussion as well as field observations were effective ways to improve the case teacher’s views of inquiry teaching. |
起訖頁 | 233-264 |
關鍵詞 | 科學探究、探究教學、專業成長、scientific inquiry、inquiry teaching、professional development |
刊名 | 教育科學研究期刊 |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學 |
期數 | 201006 (55:2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/2073753X2010065502008 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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