篇名 | 擇其所愛、愛其所擇:從自我決定理論看大學多元入學制度中學生的科系選擇與學習成果 |
並列篇名 | The Application of Self-Determination Theory on Students’ Career Choice and Learning Outcomes under the Multiple College Admission System |
作者 | 王秀槐、黃金俊 |
中文摘要 | 近年來有關大學多元入學制度的研究已成高等教育領域重要議題,過去研究主題集中在探討學生家庭背景與學習成就的差異上,少有研究涉及學生科系選擇議題,也鮮少針對不同管道學生大學四年的學習情況與表現進行貫時性研究。本研究彙整「臺灣高等教育資料庫」九十二學年度大一新生、九十四學年度大三學生調查、九十五學年度應屆畢業生三次調查的貫時性資料,針對18,566 名九十二學年度年透過「甄選入學」與「分發入學」兩種管道入學的學生,探討其大一時的科系選擇、大三時的學業投入,以及大四時的學習成果與滿意程度。結果發現:甄選入學者較分發入學者傾向依據內在動機選擇科系、對科系選擇較為確定;在大學期間也較投入課業;畢業時的學習成果較佳,也對自我與學校環境較為滿意。這種「擇其所愛、愛其所擇」的現象可以自我決定理論予以詮釋與理解。此一研究結果為大學多元入學制度研究開啟新的視域,並且對多元入學政策深具啟示。 |
英文摘要 | The multiple college admission system, one of the major recent educational reform policies in Taiwan, may exert a great impact on students’ career choices and learning processes. This studyexamined if differences existed in students’ career choices and learning outcomes when they were admitted through different admission channels. Utilizing the Taiwan Integrated Higher Education Database System, 18,566 students were traced from their entry to college in 2003, through their junior year in 2005 and on to their graduation in 2006. Statistical analysis including Chi-square test,ANOVA and MANOVA were conducted. The results showed that compared with their peers admitted through the “examination” channel, those admitted through the “application” channel tend to be more intrinsically motivated, more engaged in their academic work, have better learning outcomes and enjoy a higher degree of satisfaction. Self-determination theory was employed to infer and explain such results. The significance of the study is also discussed. |
起訖頁 | 01-27 |
關鍵詞 | 大學多元入學制度、自我決定理論、科系選擇、學習成果、學業投入、multiple college admission system、self-determination theory、choice of college major、learning outcomes、academic engagement |
刊名 | 教育科學研究期刊 |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學 |
期數 | 201006 (55:2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/2073753X2010065502001 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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