篇名 | 促進實習教師教學學習的夥伴式實習輔導 |
並列篇名 | Partnership Mentoring for Improving Mentees’ Teacher Learning |
作者 | 林淑梤、張惠博、段曉林 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在實習學校內建立協助實習教師學習的夥伴式實習輔導,以探討此創新的實習輔導對實習教師學習的幫助性,以及促使實習教師產生教學改變的重要因素。夥伴式實習輔導內含五種教師學習活動,包括師徒制的實習輔導、課室觀察、對話會議、協同行動研究和小組討論。利用參與觀察,與兩位實習個案教師、實習輔導教師與學生的訪談,以及問卷等,多元的資料進行詮釋分析。研究發現,教師學習活動具有探究教學困難、討論實務概念、提供教學自主權與專業認同的特性,較有助於實習教師專業成長,如小組討論、協同行動研究和課室觀察。學生的心聲、觀點的論辯,以及以實習教師為中心的教學探究是增進實習教師科學教學認知最有效的方式。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate the assistance of teacher learning activities and to find the factors of improving mentees’ teaching change through implementation of a partnership mentoring in a practice school. There were five teacher learning activities in partnership mentoring including apprenticeship mentoring, classroom observation, dialogical meeting, collaborative action research, and group discussion. Data were mainly collected from participant observation and interview with two mentees to evaluate teacher learning activities, and to trace the changes of their practical concepts and teaching practice. Multiple data such as interview and questionnaires from two mentors, and their students were supported to analyze and interpret. The findings revealed that teacher learning activities with characteristics of providing opportunities of teaching inquiry, teaching discussion, autonomy, and professional identity, were beneficial to mentees’ professional development, such as group discussion, collaborative action, and classroom observation. It was necessary to provide supports of teaching skill, cognition and emotion for mentees’ teaching change. The most effective strategies for enhancing mentees’ cognition about teaching practice were listening to students’ voice, argumentation about perspective, and mentees’ centered teaching research. |
起訖頁 | 23-53 |
關鍵詞 | 協同行動研究、實習輔導、夥伴關係、教師改變、mentoring、partnership、teacher change、collaborative action research |
刊名 | 教育科學研究期刊 |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學 |
期數 | 200903 (54:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/2073753X2009035401002 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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