篇名 | 臺北市國小普通班實施適應欠佳學生轉介前介入之調查研究 |
並列篇名 | A Study of the Implementation of the Pre-referral Intervention for Maladjusted Students in Taipei Municipal Elementary Schools |
作者 | 柯懿真、盧台華 |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在探討臺北市國小對普通班適應欠佳學生實施轉介前介入的情形。研究對象為各校專(兼)任輔導教師,採問卷調查法並輔以訪談方式進行。研究發現(1)各校轉介前介入階段服務的適應欠佳學生類型52%具有外向性行為問題,25%有內向性行為問題,23%具學業適應問題;(2)76%的適應欠佳學生接受轉介前介入之期限在一至六個月間;(3)有85%的學校以團隊方式進行轉介前介入輔導措施。策略執行與成效評估者較常為輔導教師和導師;(4)常採用的介入策略為行為管理、教學及環境調整、諮詢等,鮮少實施測驗;(5)較常運用的成效評估方式為觀察和訪談,較少使用問卷;(6)轉介前介入可及時解決31%適應欠佳學生的問題,且可篩選出真正需特教鑑定之學生,同時能確實掌握校內需持續輔導的學生。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to explore the implementation of pre-referral intervention for maladjusted students in elementary schools in Taipei city. The participants were 98 elementary school guidance-teachers and data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. The main findings are as follows:(1) Of the students who received pre-referral intervention, 52% of students had external behavioral problems, 25% had internal behavioral problems and 23% had learning problems. (2) Seventy-six percent of the maladjusted students received pre-referral intervention for a period of one to six months. (3) Eighty-five percent of the elementary schools in Taipei had pre-referral intervention teams. Intervention implementers and evaluators were usually guidance-teachers and homeroom teachers. (4) The most common intervention strategies used were behavior management, instructional, environment modifications and consultation, whereas most the least common strategy was using psychology tests. (5) The more common evaluation methods used were interviews and observations while the use of questionnaires was uncommon. (6) Pre-referral solved 31% of maladjusted students problems. Also, it improved students performance immediately, reduced special education referrals, and effectively identified students with guidance needs. |
起訖頁 | 079-106 |
關鍵詞 | 適應欠佳學生、轉介前介入、國小學生、maladjusted students、pre-referral intervention、elementary students |
刊名 | 教育研究學報 |
出版單位 | 國立臺南大學教育學院 |
期數 | 201504 (49:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/199044282015044901004 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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