篇名 | 親子對話式共讀圖畫書之語言分析:母親的閱讀引導與幼兒的語言訊息 |
並列篇名 | The Language Analysis of Mother-Child Dialogic Reading: Mother's reading strategy and Children's Messages |
作者 | 陳佩勤、張麗君、陳沛緹 |
中文摘要 | 對話式閱讀法為Grover Whitehurst 教授於1988 年提出的一種閱讀方式,其重視親子間的閱讀關係,視幼兒為閱讀的主體,而家長是聆聽者,且擔當引導和協助的角色。本研究之目的為探究經過對話式閱讀培訓之母親與大班幼兒,親子共讀六本圖畫書之語言內容,透過分析共讀歷程中之對話,瞭解使用對話式閱讀法之母親的閱讀引導方式,以及閱讀歷程中幼兒的語言訊息。研究結果發現,母親在親子對話式共讀中,運用的提問類型有七類,包含:完成、回想、開放式問題、Wh- 問題、語尾問句、選擇性問題,並多以正向的策略鷹架幼兒的語言表達;幼兒在閱讀過程中則會針對母親的問題給予簡單或複雜兩類回應,以及提供主動之訊息。 |
英文摘要 | Dialogic Reading (DR) is a type of parent-child reading activity proposed by Grover Whitehurst in 1988. Children become the story tellers while their parents play the listeners, who also providing assistance and guidance. This study aims to explore the interactions between mother-child reading language among five mothers who had DR training sessions and their kindergarten age children. Through dialogue analysis in DR, this study explores mothers’ guiding strategies and children’s messages during the process of DR. The findings show the mothers adopted seven skills of questioning and a positive scaffolding reading strategy. The skills included CROWD, suffix questions and choice questions. Finally, during the process of DR, children’s messages included responses to mothers and active messages. |
起訖頁 | 127-152 |
關鍵詞 | 對話式閱讀、親子共讀、語言分析、dialogic reading、parent-child reading、language analysis |
刊名 | 教育研究學報 |
出版單位 | 國立臺南大學教育學院 |
期數 | 201410 (48:2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/199044282014104802006 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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