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The Study of Preparing Preservice Teachers to Teach for Diversity and Equity as a Community of Practice in Teacher Education Programs
作者 陳淑美
中文摘要 教育改革之際,首以提升教師教學品質保證學生的學習成效,為重要之努力方向。本文透過Wenger實踐社群之概念,探究美國中西部一所大學師資培育學程如何培育師資生為公平與多元性教學的計畫,作為提供我國師資培育機構因應12年國民基本教育改革,促進師資生對教育機會均等,落實有教無類、因材施教學習之參考。本研究為該師培機構評鑑研究案的一部分,對象為便利取抽樣該師培機構之畢業生以及該師培機構之教師,資料來自於個別訪談、焦點團體訪談、問卷資料、及師培機構文件資料。經資料分析結果瞭解師培機構規劃可參與的各項多元文化教育學習活動,使得該師培機構社群成員間能透過共同的參與投入,逐漸辨識多元與平等相關議題的共同願景,並進而培養反思多元觀點、及互相支持合作的共享智庫。依據研究結果,研究者對臺灣師培教育及後續研究提出相關建議。
英文摘要 In Taiwan, do aboriginal students experience more well-being when studying in a class composed of entirely students of the same ethnicity or in an integrated class? Do they experience more well-being when instructed by aboriginal teachers or non-aboriginal teachers? Answers to these important issues are academically valuable and can be of important reference for future educational decisions and student guidance, but they are rarely explored in domestic studies. In this study a survey was conducted on junior high school students in Taitung in 2005. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) was adopted to test the impact of different ethnic compositions on students’ well-being. Results show that students’ well-being was not significantly affected by class of ethnic mix of teachers and students, but high ratios of aboriginal students in a class are more advantageous to students’ sense of achievement in that class. Further analysis indicates that high ratio of aboriginal students in a class is not significantly influential to non-aboriginal students’ sense of achievement but advantageous to the well-being of aboriginal students in the class.
起訖頁 087-114
關鍵詞 實踐社群多元與平等師培教育多元文化教育community of practicediversity and equityteacher education multicultural education
刊名 教育研究與發展期刊
出版單位 國家教育研究院
期數 201406 (10:2期)
DOI 10.3966/181665042014061002004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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