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The Study of Implementing Teaching Consultation as Professional Development Strategy in University
作者 陳琦媛
中文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解我國大學實施教學諮詢之現況,蒐集分析國內外大學執行教學諮詢之經驗,以提出我國未來發展教學諮詢之建議。為達此研究目的,本研究以文件分析法分析我國118所大學實施教學諮詢之現況,並訪談3位美國大學教學發展單位主管和4位國內大學參與教學諮詢之主管或教師。研究結果發現我國有52所(44%)大學實施有教學諮詢服務,各大學多遴選校內教學表現優異之資深優良教師兼任諮詢人員,諮詢過程偏重於經驗分享和講座研習。雖開放給所有教師使用,但多數大學規定教學評鑑不佳教師需義務性接受教學諮詢,導致教師為免被誤認為教學不力教師而鮮少主動參與。如何提升教師使用意願,並正向看待且接納教學諮詢為實施上較大挑戰。基於上述結論本研究提出若干研究建議供我國發展教學諮詢策略之參考。
英文摘要 The purpose of the study is to explore and understand the experience of implementing teaching consultation programs in higher education institutions in Taiwan. To achieve this aim, the websites of all 118 universities in Taiwan were searched and the documents related to teaching consultation were collected and analyzed. The directors of three centers of teaching development at universities in the United States and four faculties which are involved in teaching consultation at universities in Taiwan were interviewed. The results show that: fifty-two universities (44% of all universities studied) offered the consultation service for their teachers in Taiwan; and the teaching consultants in the university were selected from the faculty body. The consultants were all full-time professors, served as part-time teaching consultants, and were paid by the hour for the time they spent on consultation. The process of teaching consultation includes sharing experiences and attending speeches. The teaching consultation service is always combined with teaching evaluation. If teachers receive negative teaching evaluation results, they are required to use the teaching consultation service. This policy makes teachers reluctant to use the consultation service in case they might be misjudged by their peers as poor teachers. It is a challenge to increase teachers' willingness to use this service and have a more positive attitude about using consultation services. Based on the findings of this study, several suggestions are proposed on how to improve this service in universities in Taiwan.
起訖頁 087-118
關鍵詞 教學諮詢高等教育教學評鑑
刊名 教育研究與發展期刊
出版單位 國家教育研究院
期數 201403 (10:1期)
DOI 10.3966/181665042014031001004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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