教育研究與發展期刊 Journal Of Educational Research And Development |
201403 (10:1期)期所有篇 |
- 學校合作老師,大學視導員與相互觀察的師資生協同輔助實習生學習的影響研究 Collaborative Effects of Cooperating Teachers, University supervisors, and Peer Coaches in Preservice Teachers’ Field Experiences
- 教師彰權益能的現況、歷程、成效與困境之研究:以八位國小資深優良教師為例 The Study of Current Situation, Development Process, and Effects and Predicaments of Teacher Empowerment: Taking Eight Experienced Elementary School Teachers as Example
- 臺灣地區學前階段教師心理契約違犯對工作行為的影響 A Study on the Impact of Psychological Contract Breach on Preschool Teachers’ Job Behavior in Taiwan
- 大學實施教師教學諮詢專業發展策略之探討 The Study of Implementing Teaching Consultation as Professional Development Strategy in University
- 臺灣大學生對透過寓教於樂型遊戲學習英文之意見 An Investigation of Taiwanese Non-English Major Freshmen’s Perception of Learning English through Online Edutainment Games