篇名 | 校長教練式領導相關概念、研究與啟示 |
並列篇名 | The Concept and Research of Principal Coaching-Based Leadership and Its Implications |
作者 | 丁一顧 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在闡述校長教練式領導的相關概念、以及分析國內外有關校長教練式領導的相關研究。首先,教練式領導源自成人學習理論與正向心理學理論,其具有特質性、策略性、與目的性三大意義,教練式領導的實施可循「目標、探究、行動、支持、結果」之「GLASS」歷程模式加以進行,而實施教練式領導之際,領導者所採用教練力包括:個人素養、關係建立、溝通合作、激勵學習、回饋支持等。其次,實施教練式領導將對組織、領導者、員工、以及顧客,會產生不錯的正向效益,當然,亦有些許的困境。另外,目前有關教練式領導之相關研究仍有待探討與開發的空間。最後,本文根據研究結果與討論,提出教練式領導未來實施與研究的建議:(1)推廣校長教練式領導,促發個人與組織學習;(2)進行教練式實施歷程實驗,建構具體可行模式;(3)糾合理論與實務專家,解決實施問題與困境;(4)發展領導行為量表,有效評估校長之教練力;(5)進行相關實徵研究,發展教練式領導知識體;(6)兼採不同研究方法學,有效檢證實施成效。 |
英文摘要 | The aims of this study are as follows: first, to review the related knowledge body of coaching-based leadership, second, to analyze the related empirical research of coaching-based leadership. After discussing the literature and related empirical research about coaching-based leadership, this study provides several suggestions for the implementation of coaching leadership of elementary and secondary school principals, and further study respectively: (1) to popularize the concept of coaching-based leadership in order to promote learning, (2) to establish feasible model by bringing coaching-based leadership into practice, (3) to integrate theoretical and practical professionals’ suggestions when solving implementing difficulties, (4) to develop a scale which is used for evaluating behaviors of coaching-based leadership of school principals, (5) to construct the knowledge body of coaching-based leadership through empirical studies, and (6) to adopt multiple methodologies for evaluating the implementing effect upon coaching-based leadership. |
起訖頁 | 143-162 |
關鍵詞 | 教練式領導、中小學校長、專業發展 |
刊名 | 教育研究與發展期刊 |
出版單位 | 國家教育研究院 |
期數 | 201309 (9:3期) |
DOI | 10.3966/181665042013090903006 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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