篇名 | 高等職業院校行政人員身份認同 與建構研究--以廣東省人事制度改革為背景 |
並列篇名 | A Study of General Administrative Staff’s Identity and Construction—In the Context of Personnel System Reform in Guangdong |
作者 | 黃茂勇 |
中文摘要 | 一、研究目的 中國高等職業院校2010年實行了人事制度改革(亦稱崗位設置改革),為教師和行政人員各自規劃了職業發展路徑。2015年是中國高等學校推行該項改革的首個五年期限,這項改革是否達到預期目的業已成為學界關注焦點。此輪改革中,高等職業院校專任教師成為最受獲益的群體,而學校系統中的次群體行政人員在變革之中到底有何變化確鮮有關注。因此,本研究主要探討如下問題:一是探討中國事業單位人事制度變革對於高等職業院校行政人員產生之影響;二是探究在傳統與變革之間,高等職業院校行政人員主體我和客體我身份認同的變化;三是提出中國高等職業院校行政人員專業發展之建議。 二、研究方法 研究以廣東省廣州市、中山市、珠海市四所高等職業院校的10位行政人員為研究對象,採用深度訪談法對高等職業院校行政人員的身份情感、態度和價值觀等較難量化處理的訊息進行深入挖掘和剖析。通過分析現有文獻資料,研究將制度變革中高等職業院校行政人員的身份認同視為一動態過程,並從身份選擇、身份認知、身份情感、身份行為和身份承諾五個維度設計問題進行深度訪談。 三、研究結論 研究發現,人事制度變革中的高等職業院校行政人員普遍存在身份認同危機。變革之後,行政人員之「官」屬性逐步被剝離甚至消減,在與「他群體」(教師)的比較下,行政人員「從屬」群體的身份情感逐步被建構。研究認為,基於他者比較的身份優勢逆轉及自我身份承諾弱化是行政人員產生身份危機的根源。 四、研究價值性 中國高等職業院校人事制度改革實施首個五年期,教師和研究人員的發展一直頗受關注,研究成果頗豐,但改革對於系統中次群體的8.5萬名行政人員到底有何影響卻鮮有人員關注。據此,本研究採深度訪談法探究廣東省10位行政人員之身份認同嬗變情況,具有一定價值。此外,研究從「自我身份重構」與「行政專業身份的他者重構」兩個維度為行政人員群體之專業成長提出建議,具有一定實踐意義。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose Personnel System Reform (PSR) has been implemented in Higher Technical and Vocational College(HTVC) of China since 2010 (Known as Post Setting Reform). It designs a clear career development path for both teachers and administrative staffs. It has been five years since the implement of PSR in colleges and universities till 2015, and it’s the first five-year period of PSR. The effect of PSR now has been a hot issue. Fulltime teachers of technical and vocational college have become the most benefited group, but what PSR means for the Secondary group of administrative staff got little attention. Therefore, the study focuses on the following issues: What impact does PSR produces on administrative staffs of HTVC? How does the Identity of administrative staffs change between tradition and reform? And lastly, some suggestions are given to their professional development. Methodology The study field of this paper is four technical and vocational colleges in Guangdong province. The research objects of this paper are 10 administrative staffs, and we take in-depth interviews as study method. Identity construction in this paper will be regarded as a dynamic and changing process which could be seen as five stages, including identity choice, identity perceiving, identity emotion, identity behavior, and identity commitment. We design in-depth Interview questionnaires according to the five dimensions above. Findings It’s found that administrative staffs are having an identity crisis after PSR. Under the transformation, the ’officer’ characteristics of administrative staffs have been stripped even worse whittled down. On the other side, in comparison with the “reference group” (teachers), the identity emotion of which administrative staffs are subordinate and secondary to teachers have been gradually constructed. In this study, we found that roots of administrative staffs’ identity crisis are that the identity advantage of them is now reversing and weakening, and that self-identity commitment weakening. Value During The first five-year period of the implement in HTVC of China, researchers paid great attention to the development of teachers and research workers in HTVC, and got great achievements. But what’s the impact of the transformation on 85,000 administrative staffs, there are little literature discussing this issue. Accordingly, this study takes depth interviews as study method to analyze the identity of 10 administrative staffs of HTVC in Guangdong Province. And we hope this study will make great sense to the group. In addition, it’s advised in the paper that general administrative staffs of HTVC can reconstruct identity in two dimensions: ‘Self’ and ‘the other’, and we think the research is of high practical significance. |
起訖頁 | 058-081 |
關鍵詞 | 中國高等職業院校、行政人員、身份認同、人事制度改革、technical and vocational college of China、administrative staff、identity、Personnel System Reform |
刊名 | 學校行政 |
出版單位 | 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會 |
期數 | 201607 (104期) |
DOI | 10.3966/160683002016070104004 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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