篇名 | 新制教育實習年限縮減政策評析 |
並列篇名 | Analysis of the New Education Internship Policy on Cutdown Service Year |
作者 | 黃冠翔 |
中文摘要 | 自2002年全文修訂之後,師資培育法便遭遇少子化與師資過剩的社會問題,而後由於教育當局師資培育限縮策略的有效實施,從此便束之高閣,乏人問津,而今十二年國教已然上路,孰不知在師資培育之教育實習仍存在問題重重的情況下,新教育政策上路的意義為何?師資,是一切教育的根本,故師資培育應以永續經營的思維來看待,不因過剩師資問題的存在而置若罔聞,倘以鳥盡弓藏的心態待之,台灣將永遠缺乏優良師資。 故本研究試圖提出具體圖像,以新制教育實習年限縮減政策為研究對象,採「特調咖啡」泡製過程為喻,進行政策的歷程評析,期望透過「特調咖啡」政策隱喻模式的探究,引起群眾對師資培育品質的重視,共同關注師資培育法於未來修訂調整的發展。 |
英文摘要 | Since the revision in 2002, Teacher Education Law has been encountered such social problems as reduction of children and surplus of teachers. Owing to the effectiveness of cutdown on the number of teachers, the law has been put aside afterwards. Now that twelve-year compulsory education has been put into practice, what is the meaning of carrying out new education policy with lots of purplexity on internship? Teachers, as a fundment of education, should be viewed in a more sustainable thoughts. It is foreseeable that Taiwan will face the problems of severe shortage of excellent teachers in the future if we remain ignorant of the issue of the excessive number of teachers. Therefore, we take the new education internship policy on cutting down the service year as the object of the study. To bring concrete images to the research, we attempt to take the process of making “Today’s Special Coffee,” for example. The research aims to criticize as well as analyze the on-going education policy. By doing so, we expect to draw awareness of the public to emphasize the importance regarding teacher cultivation. |
起訖頁 | 184-203 |
關鍵詞 | 教育實習、師資培育、政策隱喻、education internship、teacher education、education policy |
刊名 | 學校行政 |
出版單位 | 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會 |
期數 | 201605 (103期) |
DOI | 10.3966/160683002016050103010 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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