篇名 | 高中優質化輔助方案政策架構之探究 |
並列篇名 | The study on the policy framework of School Actualization Program |
作者 | 林耀榮 |
中文摘要 | 高中優質化輔助方案為我國近年為提升各高級中等學校品質所施行之教育政策,此政策的推動可經由瞭解其政策架構而有所助益。本文乃介紹美國康乃狄克大學所發展的「高槓桿政策架構」理論內容,並據以為基礎發展優質化方案的政策架構。「高槓桿政策架構」的介紹包含三項成功因素、系統改變、正向學生成果以及政策行動理論。而優質化方案政策架構依此設定為動態的政策行動,其政策推動成功因素包含「校校優質」的政策目標、「方案內容」與「運作機制」兩項的政策設計、以及中央、地方、學校三個層級的各項政策執行變因。此三大項成功因素將形成高中「教學品質提升」上的教育系統變化,產出豐碩的「教學成果」,如學生表現進步、學校特色創新、和家長社區認同,亦影響學生的就近入學選校,造就國內高中教育的區域均衡發展。 |
英文摘要 | School Actualization Program (SAP) had been one of Taiwan’s important educational policies in recent years. To understand its policy framework could contribute to the practice of SAP, and thus the SAP framework could be constructed based upon the "High Leverage Policy Framework" developed by the University of Connecticut. In this study, the “High Leverage Policy Framework” would be introduced first, and the SAP framework was interpreted then. The SAP framework might be constructed in the “policy theory of action” for the nature of dynamism. Its three main factors for the success of SAP were "high-quality high schools," "the content and operating mechanism of SAP," and "the implementation contingencies at central government, local district, and school." These three factors caused high quality of teaching in terms of the change of educational systems within senior high school. Then students’ outstanding performance, school featured innovation, and parental support would be represented from those excellent teaching. In consequence, these outcomes would lead to students’ preferences for quality schools nearby and the balanced development of regions pertaining to local quality schools were achieved hence. |
起訖頁 | 143-162 |
關鍵詞 | 高中優質化輔助方案、政策架構、高槓桿政策架構、 School Actualization Program(SAP)、policy framework、High Leverage Policy Framework |
刊名 | 學校行政 |
出版單位 | 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會 |
期數 | 201503 (96期) |
DOI | 10.3966/160683002015030096008 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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