篇名 | 權力弔詭管理在國民小學參與決定歷程之微觀研究 |
並列篇名 | A Micro Study of the Power Paradox Management of Participation in Decision Making Process in the Elementary School |
作者 | 劉鎮寧 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在從權力弔詭管理的觀點,針對國民小學參與決定的過程,行政人員和教師的權力運作和其弔詭管理之情形進行探究。首先,探討行政人員和教師在參與決定過程的權力運作情形;其次,分析國民小學參與決定的權力弔詭現象;最後針對參與決定的權力弔詭管理策略進行探析。本研究以國民小學校長、主任和教師為研究對象,透過訪談法的實施藉以蒐集本研究所需之文本資料,經由文本資料的分析與討論,本研究歸納出四點結論,並提出五項建議,期能有助於解決國民小學參與決定過程中因權力運作所產生的相關問題。 |
英文摘要 | From perspective of paradox management of power, this study probes into power manipulation and paradox management of administrative personnel and teachers in elementary school when participating in decision making. First, it explores administrative personnel's and teachers' power manipulation in participation in decision making. Second, it examines the power paradox of participation of decision making in elementary school. Finally, it explores paradox management strategy of power in participation of decision making. This study treated principals, directors and teachers of elementary school as subjects, and collected texts needed by interview. Through text analysis and discussion, this study generalized 4 conclusions and proposed 5 suggestions in order to solve the problems caused by power manipulation in participation ofdecision making in elementary school. |
起訖頁 | 103-121 |
關鍵詞 | 權力弔詭管理、elementary school、participation in decision making、power paradox、paradox management、power paradox management |
刊名 | 學校行政 |
出版單位 | 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會 |
期數 | 201407 (92期) |
DOI | 10.3966/160683002014070092006 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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