篇名 | 十二五規劃下中國大陸高等教育的發展與挑戰:兼論其對我國教育政策之意涵 |
並列篇名 | The Development and Challenges of China Higher Education in China’s 12th Five-Year Plan: How its Impact on the Open Policy of Mainland China Students Studying in Taiwan |
作者 | 陳金龍 |
中文摘要 | 近年來中國大陸已躍升為全球發展最快速的經濟體之一,其高等教育政策改革有其經濟發展需求的考量,而整體人力素質的提升,更成為國內經濟能否永續發展的重要關鍵,甚而牽動著區域與全球政經秩序。是以,關注中國大陸高等教育政策的發展,有助於研究者從中辨析其國家整體發展策略,進而掌握全球政經情勢的動態。另一方面,我國在少子化衝擊下,高等教育正面臨著招生員額嚴重不足的問題,政府教育主管機關除推動大學整併之外,亦主張以擴大開放陸生來台就讀政策做為因應。由此可見,中國大陸高等教育改革及相關政策之推行,與我國整體教育發展之間存在政策上的高度連結,並兼具學術研究與政策規劃之雙重價值。基於此,本文擬聚焦於中國大陸第十二個五年計畫,針對其高等教育大眾化趨勢進行理論探討與經驗檢證,以充分掌握中國大陸高等教育政策發展趨勢。首先,本文將彙整目前學界對於高等教育大眾化相關理論主張,特別是Martin Trow高等教育三階段發展之觀點,以及相關學者對其理論之批判與修正;其次回顧中國大陸自1978年改革開放迄今高等教育政策之演進,特別是十二五規劃下高等教育政策之延續與革新;最後透過高等教育「質」與「量」的思辨,釐清中國大陸推動高等教育大眾化之利弊得失,及其對我國開放陸生來台就讀大學之政策意涵。 |
英文摘要 | Aiming at China’s 12th Five-Year Plan, this study will discuss the massification of higher education at the theoretical level and the empirical level with the purpose of mastering the development trend of Mainland China’s higher education policy. First, this study would compile related academic theories and advocates concerning the massification of higher education. In particular, this study emphasized Martin Trow’s threestage- development and related judgments and odifications of other scholars towards his theory. Second, this study would review the evolution of higher education policies since the reform in Mainland China in 1978, in particular the continuity and innovation of the twelfth five-yearplan of higher education policy. Last, this study would contemplate the advantages and disadvantages of the twelfth five-year-plan massification of higher education via the speculation of the “quality” and “quantity” of the higher education as well as the policy connotation of the acceptance of Mainland Chinese students studying in Taiwan. |
起訖頁 | 181-198 |
關鍵詞 | 中國大陸、高等教育、大眾化、十二五規劃、陸生來台、mainland China、higher education、mass higher education、12th five-year plan、Chinese students in Taiwan |
刊名 | 學校行政 |
出版單位 | 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會 |
期數 | 201405 (91期) |
DOI | 10.3966/160683002014050091009 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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