篇名 | 幼兒園教師評鑑與教師專業發展之探討 |
並列篇名 | The Relationship between Teacher Evaluation and Teacher’s Professional Development of Preschool |
作者 | 劉乙儀、張瑞村 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討幼兒園教師評鑑與教師專業發展之關係,採用文獻分析法(literature review)瞭解教師評鑑與教師專業發展之涵義及其相關研究,以及幼兒園教師評鑑之現況與對教師專業發展的影響,進而從組織、課程、園長領導及教師等四大層面探討幼兒園實施教師評鑑之困境與因應之道,並提供具體建議,以供教育行政主管機關及未來研究人員之參考。本研究發現,幼兒園教師評鑑已有初步的草案架構,雖然欠缺相關研究加以佐證,亦無法凸顯其教師評鑑與教師專業發展之關係,但從幼兒園組織、課程、園長領導及教師等四大層面中可見,學前教育仍具實踐教師評鑑與教師專業發展之機。因此,本研究提出具體建議為:(一)整合幼兒園教師評鑑與教師專業發展之標準;(二)確立幼兒園教師評鑑與教師專業發展之作業流程;(三)建立幼兒園教師參與教師評鑑與專業發展之信念。 |
英文摘要 | This study investigates the relationship between teacher evaluation and teacher’s professional development in preschool. Literature review seeks to understand the meaning and to look at the related researches in terms of teacher evaluation and teachers’ professional development. It points out that the current practice of teacher evaluation and its’ impact on teachers’ professional development. It discusses educational system, curriculum, directors’ leadership and teachers’ professional development, so the improvement for preschool can be found. Some suggestions are made for the official administration and the interested researchers. The finding of the study indicates the draft of teacher evaluation and teachers’ professional development in preschool. However, it also points out the need of a related research for certificate though the implementation is done. But it is unable to display the relationship between teacher evaluation and teachers’ professional development. But, teacher evaluation and teachers’ professional development has possibility in preschool. Therefore, this study proposes to: 1. Integrate in the target of the meaning of teacher evaluation and teachers’ professional development; 2. Establish the processes for teacher evaluation and teachers’ professional development; 3. Cultivate the concept of teacher evaluation and teachers’ professional development. |
起訖頁 | 118-137 |
關鍵詞 | 幼兒園、教保服務人員、教師評鑑、教師專業發展、preschool、preschool educator、teacher evaluation、teacher's professional development |
刊名 | 學校行政 |
出版單位 | 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會 |
期數 | 201405 (91期) |
DOI | 10.3966/160683002014050091006 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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