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The influence of persuasion knowledge, third-person perception, and affect on coping behavior in the Instagram stories feature
作者 Tser-Yieth ChenKang-Ting Wang
中文摘要 本研究的目的是在Instagram的即時動態中,提出一個創新的增強型應對行為模型。我們執行3x3x3研究設計,以操作三種前因變數類型的應對行為效應,並蒐集450個臺灣使用者樣本。實證結果顯示,基於即時動態的即刻交互性的本質,第三方感知和情感會明顯影響到應對行為,而說服性知識卻不會影響應對行為。本研究結果會強化推敲可能性模型在Instagram即時動態的運用層面。此外,應對行為會影響敘述性說服效果和e化口碑。因此,我們即探究並澄清’’閱聽者的想法’’、’’閱聽者的反應’’,和’’即時動態如何運作’’之間的相互關聯性。本研究結果可為企業提供有用的管理意涵,企業可透過即時動態來傳播官方資訊,並強化其行銷運作的有效性。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to introduce a novel augmented coping behavior model within the Instagram Stories feature. We employed a 3x3x3 research design that used 450 samples to manipulate the influence of three types of antecedents on the coping behaviors of people in Taiwan. The empirical results demonstrate that third-person perception and affect influence coping behavior through the interactive character of the Stories feature, and our results can be used to enhance the utilization of an elaboration likelihood model for the Instagram Stories feature. Moreover, the results show that persuasion knowledge does not influence coping behavior and that coping behavior can influence the persuasive effects of a narrative and electronic word-of-mouth. Hence, we explored and clarified the connections between “what audiences think,” “how audiences react,” and “how the Stories feature works”. The results provide useful managerial implications for businesses to use to enhance their marketing operations for the effective dissemination of official messages through the Stories feature.
起訖頁 69-116
關鍵詞 Coping behaviorstories featureelaboration likelihood modelthird-person perceptionpersuasion knowledge
刊名 陽明交大管理學報
出版單位 陽明交通大學管理學院(原:交通大學管理學院)
期數 201912 (39:2期)
DOI 10.3966/102873102019123902003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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