篇名 | 提升學齡前期氣喘病童照顧者對噴霧治療照護認知專案 |
並列篇名 | Enhancing Cognition Regarding Aerosol Therapy and Care for Caregivers of Preschool Children with Asthma |
作者 | 蔡宜蓁、吳金璇、陳怡伶、朱慧真、陳淑真、呂佩珍、梁蕙芳 |
中文摘要 | 全球兒童氣喘發病率及死亡率逐年上升,噴霧治療為主要緩解方式,學齡前期兒童身心發展未臻成熟,需仰賴照顧者協助其疾病適應及療程處置,現況多探討氣喘兒童噴霧治療成效,甚少提及照顧者對噴霧治療的認知技能,故引發本專案改善動機。調查學齡前期氣喘兒童照顧者對噴霧治療照護認知僅69.8%,護理師噴霧治療前衛教完整率50.7%。分析主因為護理師衛教簡略無一致性、照顧者對噴霧治療操作認知未能完全理解、無合宜衛教工具及觀測噴霧治療成效器材。故擬定衛教標準流程及稽核制度、建構圖片式衛教手冊、多媒體影音衛教光碟及創新易觀測噴霧治療工具。改善後照顧者噴霧治療認知提升99.6%,護理師衛教完整率增至97.3%,照顧者衛教成效滿意度4.92(5分法)。透過圖卡式及多媒體衛教輔助工具可引發照顧者學習動機並強化記憶力,創新可觀測噴霧治療遊戲球使照顧者易觀察病童藥物吸收成效,進而提升照顧者對噴霧治療照護認知及醫療品質滿意度。 |
英文摘要 | The global incidence and mortality rates for children with asthma have been increasing. Aerosol therapy has been used as the primary relief method. However, the immature mental and physical development of preschool children necessitates that caregivers assist with disease adaptation and treatment. Previous studies have focused primarily on the outcome of aerosol therapy in children with asthma and overlooked caregiver cognitive skills related to aerosol therapy. Therefore, this project was conducted to address this issue. A survey indicates that only 69.8% of the caregivers tending to preschool children with asthma understood aerosol therapy and care, and only 50.7% of the registered nurses (RNs) completed relevant health education prior to administrating aerosol therapy to children. Possible reasons include inconsistencies and informality of the health education provided to RNs, insufficient understanding on the part of caregivers regarding the administration of aerosol therapy, and the lack of adequate health education tools and instruments for observing the effects of aerosol therapy. Therefore, we developed standard operating procedures and a review system for relevant health education, designing a graphic handbook, a multi-media CD, and innovative tools for easy observation of aerosol therapy outcomes. Following these improvements, caregivers’ understanding of aerosol therapy increased to 99.6%, the health education completion rate of RNs increased to 97.3%, and the satisfaction of caregivers regarding the effects of the health education reached 4.92 (on a 5-point scale). Health education aids featuring graphics and employing multi-media motivated caregivers to learn and enhanced their memory. Innovative balls used in aerosol therapy enabled the caregivers to observe the effects of inhaling the medicine by the children, thereby enhancing caregiver understanding of aerosol therapy and care as well as caregiver satisfaction with the quality of care. |
起訖頁 | 055-068 |
關鍵詞 | 學齡前期、照顧者、氣喘、噴霧治療、preschool、caregiver、asthma、aerosol therapy |
刊名 | 長庚護理 |
出版單位 | 財團法人長庚紀念醫院 |
期數 | 201403 (25:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/102673012014032501006 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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