篇名 | 提昇某外科病房護理人員執行轉送作業溝通之有效性 |
並列篇名 | A Project to Enhance Transfer Operations the Effectiveness of the Communication between theNursing Staff of a Surgical Ward |
作者 | 劉淑倩、陳曉雯、姜美夙、陳婉宜、郭美玲、莊靜娟 |
中文摘要 | 護理人員執行轉送作業過程中發現,當人員有訊息需要傳遞及確認時,需循著病室沿途呼喊護理人員,找尋的過程耗時,造成轉送作業工作延遲,產生病人及家屬抱怨,甚至危及病人生命安全,嚴重影響病人照護品質及同仁工作氣氛,因而激發此專案動機。本專案藉由無線電對講機及耳機,並透過病人轉送作業流程改善、檢查用品置放盒及轉送作業溝通指引等方案實施,結果發現:病人檢查用物攜帶完整性可達100.0%、護理人員執行轉送作業訊息傳達完成耗費時間由平均每次2分45秒降低至35秒,且訊息傳遞正確率達100.0%。護理人員轉送作業溝通整體滿意度由73.6%提升至89.6%。本專案介入措施有助於提升護理人員轉送作業溝通有效性及工作效率。 |
英文摘要 | The motivation of this project arises from concerns about the condition that it is necessary to call for help to nurses for message passing and authentication along the ward during the external transfer process performed by nursing staffs. The seeking process is very time consuming to cause the delay of external transfer. Both patients and their family members complain about the delay. Furthermore, it is life-threatening to seriously influence the quality in health care and working atmosphere among colleagues. We modified the following measures including wireless interphone, headphone, improvement of patient external transfer process, cleaning up box, and guidelines for external transfer process communication. The following results were obtained: integrity of patients' necessities reached 100%, time spending on external transfer process performed by the medical personnel decreased from 2 minutes and 45 seconds down to 35 seconds. Accuracy of message passing reached 100%. The overall satisfaction of communication of external transfer process performed by the nursing staff increased from 73.6% to 89.6%. The interventions measures of the project are helpful to improve the effective communication and efficiency of external transfer process performed by the nursing staffs. |
起訖頁 | 042-054 |
關鍵詞 | 轉送作業、工作效率、有效溝通、transfer process、efficiency、effective communication |
刊名 | 長庚護理 |
出版單位 | 財團法人長庚紀念醫院 |
期數 | 201403 (25:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/102673012014032501005 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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