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Nursing Experience of Caring an Adolescent with Spinocerebellar Ataxia
作者 洪惠英李美樺吳姿蓉
中文摘要 本文為照護一位17歲罹患脊髓小腦退化性動作協調障礙個案之護理經驗。護理期間自2010年7月9日至8月31日,透過訪談及實地觀察收集資料,運用羅氏適應護理模式進行評估與分析,結果發現個案有:「身體活動功能障礙」、「潛在危險性損傷」、「身體心像紊亂」、「社交互動障礙」等健康問題,筆者針對個案擬定個別性護理計畫,引導個案自我執行關節運動,預防跌倒,加強自我心像建立,透過支持團體重建新的同儕關係,進而適應新生活,期望此護理經驗提供護理人員對類似個案之照護參考。
英文摘要 This report described the experience of nursing care for a 17 year-old adolescent having spinocerebellar ataxia. During the period of nursing care, from July 9, 2010 to August 31, 2010, the author collected the information through interview and observation. The Roy’s adaptation theory was used to analyze the information. We identified that the patient had the following aspects need to be addressed, including “dysfunction of physical activity”, “risk for injury”, “body image disturbance”, and “defect of social interaction”. Through individual nursing intervention, the authors helped the case to do skeletal exercise by himself, to prevent fall, and to rebuild body image. The authors also assisted the patient with reconstructing a new peer relationship through connecting with supporting groups and made the case adapt to the new life. We hope this holistic nursing experience can prove the nursing staff a reference when taking care of such patients.
起訖頁 512-520
關鍵詞 青少年脊髓小腦退化性動作協調障礙護理經驗adolescentspinocerebellar ataxianursing experience
刊名 長庚護理
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
期數 201212 (23:4期)
DOI 10.3966/102673012012122304009  複製DOI  DOI申請

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