篇名 | 協助一位中年婦女面對配偶自殺瀕死之護理經驗 |
並列篇名 | The Nursing Experience of Helping a Middle-aged Woman Facing the Dying of Spouse from Suicide |
作者 | 范毓雯、陳淑賢 |
中文摘要 | 面對未預期的自殺事件,往往造成家屬極大心理衝擊。本文旨在敘述一位中年婦女,獨自一個人面對配偶自殺瀕死帶來的衝擊。護理期間自2009年4月6日~2009年4月20日,筆者於外科加護病房照顧因自殺瀕死之個案先生,藉由會客時間採非結構會談、溝通及觀察等技巧進行資料收集,依個案生理、心理、社會及靈性四層面進行整體性評估,綜合評估結果顯示個案有焦慮、非預期性哀傷、個人因應人力失調主要健康問題。筆者運用Watson關懷理論為照顧依據,提供護理措施包括與個案建立良好的信任關係,運用傾聽、同理、接受及主動關懷,引導說出對病情不穩定的焦慮,陪伴個案渡過這突如其來的哀傷,藉由家人、醫護人員及宗教支援的力量給予情緒支持、透過社工人員提供和協助找尋可利用資源,以增進個案其支持系統。期望藉此個案報告能增進本身對喪偶者心路歷程之瞭解及日後在臨床執行相關護理活動時之參考。 |
英文摘要 | An unexpected suicide event often gives the family member enormously psychological impact. This paper describes a middle-aged woman alone facing the impact of her spouse dying from suicide. Nursing care started from April 6th through April 20th, 2009. The author took care of the subject’s dying husband in the surgical intensive care unit. During the visiting time, data was collected through the adoption of non-structural talks, communication, and observation. Her physical, psychological, social, and spiritual levels were evaluated. The overall assessment indicated the case had anxiety, non-anticipated sadness, and ineffective individual coping. The author used Watson Caring theory as the basis for nursing care. It included establishment of a trust relationship and use of listening, empathy, acceptance, and active care to lead the wife to speak out her anxiety about her spouse’s unstable condition, accompanying her through this sudden sadness. Emotional support was also provided by family members, health care, and religious personnel. Social workers were able to locate available resources to support the case. |
起訖頁 | 107-114 |
關鍵詞 | Watson關懷理論、中年婦女、自殺、瀕死、Watson Caring theory、middle-aged woman、suicide、dying |
刊名 | 長庚護理 |
出版單位 | 財團法人長庚紀念醫院 |
期數 | 201203 (23:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/102673012012032301012 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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