篇名 | 提升轉送中心對住院病人一般X光檢查之接送時效 |
並列篇名 | Improving Time Efficiency for X-ray Examination of Hospitalized Patients at a Transportation Center |
作者 | 黃小芬、李徐芳、沈永釗、賀倫惠、蔡麗紅 |
中文摘要 | 本專案旨在提升轉送中心(Transportation Center, TC)「住院病人ㄧ般X光檢查之接送時效」,於2008年4月1日至4月23日期間,經由回溯紀錄、實地觀察及訪談的方式進行資料收集。經現況分析發現住院病人一般X光檢查接送時效及病人滿意度低,故成立專案小組擬定解決方案:「修訂標準作業規範」、「制定病人轉送作業說明」、「設計口訣及標語」、「人員教育訓練」、「增設聯絡工具」、「整合相同檢查之接送時間」。方案執行後TC對X光檢查病人接回率由2.0%提昇為100.0%;TC人員在病房接送病人平均等待時間10.46分鐘縮短為2.30分鐘;病人在檢查室被接回平均等待時間17.40分鐘縮短為4.80分鐘;病人平均滿意度79.5%提昇為90.5%。希望此經驗提供日後相關醫療業務推動之參考。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this project is to improve time efficiency in transporting hospitalized patients to X-ray examination. Between 4/1/2008 and 4/23/2008, field observation and face-to-face interviewing were conducted for data collection. Data analysis has explored low time efficiency while transporting hospitalized patients to X-ray examination. In order to decrease time consuming in transporting patients and then improve time efficiency, a group of specialists was organized. This group had proposed to the transportation center (TC) with following resolutions: to revise the standard protocol, to institute and illustrate patient transportation, to design slogan, to train and educate personnel, to establish communication tools, and to parallel concurrent examinations among hospitalized patients. After implementing above resolutions, the TC was able to send patients back to unit by 100%, comparing to 2% before this project. The waiting time for TC personnel at units decreased from 10.46 minutes to 2.3 minutes. The average patient waiting time also shortened from 17.4 minutes to 4.8 minutes. Moreover, patients?satisfactions were improved by 11% (from 79.5% to 90.5%). Thus, the project has provided a successful example of improving quality of care by non-health professionals at a hospital. |
起訖頁 | 494-505 |
關鍵詞 | 轉送中心、等待時間、病人滿意度、transportation center (TC)、waiting time、patients?satisfaction |
刊名 | 長庚護理 |
出版單位 | 財團法人長庚紀念醫院 |
期數 | 201112 (22:4期) |
DOI | 10.3966/102673012011122204006 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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