篇名 | 母育信心之概念分析 |
並列篇名 | Concept Analysis of Maternal Confidence |
作者 | 劉千琪、陳月枝 |
中文摘要 | 母育信心是促使母育角色正向發展的重要因素,其是由母親與孩子隨時間的脈動,在不同的情境互動中交織而成,藉以反應婦女調適其母育角色狀況的重要概念。然而,過去文獻中並無對母育信心的概念做有系統的分析,故本文依據Walker和Avant的概念分析步驟,描述母育信心的定義性特徵、確認前因與後果、臨床案例舉例說明,簡介測量母育信心的工具。結果發現母育信心的定義性特徵為母親需具備育兒的知識與技能、能發展對小孩需求的敏感知覺、母親可以有效地處理或成功地解決育兒問題、隨著時間進展的動態過程及透過互惠(reciprocity)過程得到正向回應。前因包括母親的年齡、教育程度、胎次、婚姻狀態、社會支持、種族、育嬰的知識與技能及嬰兒的氣質;後果為促進親職技能、正向親子關係的發展及滿意的母育角色感受。期望藉由本文讓護理人員對母育信心能有更進一步的認識與了解,利用母育信心問卷於產後評估個案的母育信心程度,適時提供介入處置,進而促進母育角色的正向發展。 |
英文摘要 | Maternal confidence is crucial in mediating a positive development of maternal role. Maternal confidence is constructed by repeatedly ongoing interaction between mothers and children under different situations. Few literatures related to concept analysis of maternal confidence are available. According to the methodology of concept analysis by Walker and Avant, we reviewed conceptual definitions of maternal confidence, including conceptual definitions, characteristics, antecedents and consequences, constructing examples, and empirical references of maternal confidence. Results indicated that the defining attributes of maternal confidence included possessing knowledge and skill in infant care for mothers, developing a sensitive perception to children needs, effectively dealing with the problem or successfully solving the problem of infant care, and achieving a positive feedback through dynamic process of progress and the reciprocity process. Antecedents of maternal confidence included mother’s age, education levels, parity, marriage status, social support, race, knowledge and skills of infant care, and infant’s temperament. Consequences of maternal confidence included improvement of parenting skills, a positive mother-infant relationship, and the perception of a satisfactory maternal role. We expect that nurses can better understand maternal confidence through this article and provide an assessment of postpartum client maternal confidence to promote their positive development in maternal role. |
起訖頁 | 472-478 |
關鍵詞 | 母育信心、概念分析、母育角色、maternal confidence、concept analysis、maternal role |
刊名 | 長庚護理 |
出版單位 | 財團法人長庚紀念醫院 |
期數 | 201112 (22:4期) |
DOI | 10.3966/102673012011122204003 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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