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The Problems and Solutions of the Practice of the Guardian ad Litem System in Taiwan
作者 鄧學仁
中文摘要 我國程序監理人制度實施已逾三年,究竟本制度實施後,能否達到當初立法預期之目的,本文擬從程序監理人選任之必要性、程序監理人之職務、程序監理人之分工、程序監理人之通知與報酬以及程序監理人之訓練等五個部分加以檢討,以釐清本制度施行後所面臨之問題,同時提出今後如何因應之對策,並舉應配合修改家事事件法第一六五條使法官更有裁量空間、法官指派程序監理人工作之指令應明確具體、程序監理人應考量在地化需求、以具有相關證照以及已接受一定時數之訓練課程者優先採用、司法院應統籌辦理程序監理人定期之訓練、程序監理人由法院依職權選任者,若當事人無法支付者其酬金應由國家支出,等各點作為結論,俾使程序監理人制度發揮其應有之功能。
英文摘要 The main function of the Guardian ad Litem is to safeguard the interests and express the views of the custodian. This system has been implemented for more than three years in Taiwan. It is thus essential to examine whether the system has worked as it had been aimed by legislation. This paper will discuss on 5 concerned issues, namely, the necessity for assignment, the function, the official duty, the notice and payments for the work, and the training of the Guardian ad Litem. After a thorough examination of the practical issues, major problems will be indicated with suggestions to solve them including, first, to amend article 165 of the Law of Domestic Proceedings, so that the authority of the judge may be strengthened to give clear and specific instructions to the appointed Guardian ad Litem; second, the transplanted system should be localized; third, the post shall be first given to qualified people with specified licenses or trainings; forth, the judicial authority should conduct regular training programs; and fifth, while a Guardian ad Litem is appointed by the court but the parties cannot afford to pay for it, the costs shall be covered with public fund.
起訖頁 116-132
關鍵詞 程序監理人家事事件法程序能力監護程序監理人之選任Guardian ad Litemthe Law of Domestic ProceedingsGuardianshipthe Capacity of LitigationAppointment of a Guardian ad Litem
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201605 (252期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312016050252007  複製DOI  DOI申請

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