篇名 | 登高望遠:另一種「通過」的詮釋 |
並列篇名 | Climbing up and gazing afar: Through a different way of passing |
作者 | 莊珮琪 |
中文摘要 | 本研究以「通過」為媒介,詮釋登山者在登山過程中所歷經的不同階段之轉折。研究內容首先爬梳「通過」的定義和在運動學術領域的應用;進而藉著「登高」,反思登山過程所歷經的社會與自然空間移動,及所隱含的文化和自然二元對立;此外,透過登山的實踐,重新檢視遊走在文明與自然身體的身分認同和社會責任。續此,再以「望遠」為名,回到登山者本身的視野,探究主體在面對雄偉山勢時,從感受外部客體給出的崇高,轉而升起主體道德崇高的心境變化,進而昇華為更高層次的道德情感。最後則在登山的體現實踐中,逐漸認識人和自然的關係是「我-你」的平等關係,並共處於相互交纏的肉質世界,以期達致共存的生態倫理。 |
英文摘要 | This research aims to reveal the meaning of mountaineering by adopting “passing” as a metaphor in different levels. First, it examines the definition of “rites of passage” and its application in sport fields. Second, “climbing up” indicates the movement from social environment to natural space. Moreover, climbers’ identities have shifted from civilization to wildness through this spatial change. In this stage, a break of dualistic frame of nature and society helps us to mount into next level. Third, mountaineering is an embodied practice. Climbers encounter the Nature through a slow and long process. Therefore, “gazing afar” leads us to discover the beautiful and sublime in Nature. However, climbers do not recognize the sublime in natural objects, but also in their own subjectivity. Combining the sublime with one’s morality, people get to reflect the relationship between human being and Nature as “I-thou” instead of “I-it”. Thus, a deeper ecological ethic would be desired in a world consisted of “flesh”. |
起訖頁 | 107-118 |
關鍵詞 | 登山、通過儀式、自然、崇高、mountaineering、rites of passage、nature、beautiful、sublime |
刊名 | 體育學報 |
出版單位 | 中華民國體育學會 |
期數 | 201603 (49:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/102472972016034901008 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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