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Chinese version of mindfulness inventory for sport: The development and validation
作者 彭譯箴沈緯鈞
中文摘要 緒論:正念逐漸成為運動心理學領域中的重要研究議題,然而,合適的測量工具仍舊缺乏,本研究旨於修訂中文版運動正念量表。方法:本研究包含兩個次研究,研究一以探索性因素分析與項目分析檢驗量表之因素結構,研究參與者包含166名男性與32名女性大專個人或團隊運動之運動員 (Mage = 19.79, SD = 1.56);研究二則以驗證性因素分析、相關分析與多群組驗證性因素分析檢驗進一步檢視其信度、效度及校標關聯效度,參與者為136名男性與68名女性大專個人或團隊運動之運動員 (Mage = 19.51, SD = 1.61)。結果:探索性因素分析結果共萃取出「注意力控制」與「不評價」兩向度,項目分析結果支持題項之合適性;驗證性因素分析結果顯示兩因素模式為穩定結構,相關分析結果檢驗支持量表的校標關聯效度及區別效度,多群組驗證性因素分析則顯示量表的性別的測量恆等。結論:經一系列的檢驗,中文版運動正念量表為具信效度之測量工具,未來仍須更多的研究進一步檢視量表的心理計量特性。
英文摘要 Instruction: Mindfulness has been a topic of growing interest in sport psychology. However, appropriate measurement is still wanking. The present study aimed to develop Chinese version of mindfulness inventory for sport (CMIS). Methods: The present study includes 2 sub-studies. 166 male and 32 female collegiate athletes (Mage = 19.79, SD = 1.56) participated in Study 1. Exploratory factor analysis and item analysis were conducted to examine the factor structure of CMIS. In study 2, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple group analysis were conducted with a sample of 136 male and 68 female collegiate athletes (Mage = 19.51, SD = 1.61) to examine the reliability and validity of CMIS. Results: 2 dimensions, attentional control and non-judgment, were extracted in study 1. Item analysis supported the appropriateness of each item. Study 2 provided further evidences of construct, criterion-related and discriminant validity, as well as the measurement invariance of CMIS. Conclusion: In general, our data provided preliminary evidence for the psychometric properties of CMIS. More tests are certainly warranted for measuring mindfulness in sport in future research.
起訖頁 039-058
關鍵詞 止觀因素分析測量不變性mindfulfactor analysismeasurement invariance
刊名 體育學報
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
期數 201603 (49:1期)
DOI 10.3966/102472972016034901004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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