篇名 | 不同型態離心運動對脈波傳導速率與脂締素之影響 |
並列篇名 | Effects of different types of eccentric exercise on pulse wave velocity and adiponectin response |
作者 | 黃君秦、蔡政霖、王鶴森、丁詩同、林信甫 |
中文摘要 | 心血管疾病 (cardiovascular disease, CVD) 在老年族群具有高盛行率,同時在許多國家是造成死亡率上升的重要危險因子。近年研究發現中心脈波傳導速率 (carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity, cfPWV) 及脂締素 (adiponectin, ADN) 皆為血管疾病風險預測的臨床指標,其中脂締素被指出具有抗發炎及減緩動脈粥狀硬化作用。雖然離心運動後會引發短暫動脈硬化現象,但不同型態離心運動是否皆會影響cfPWV,且變化是否與ADN有關,目前仍不清楚。目的:探討單次下坡跑 (EE) 與離心阻力運動 (RE) 對cfPWV與ADN的影響,並了解cfPWV與ADN變化之關係。方法:招募18名健康男性隨機分派至EE組 (n=9) 與RE組 (n=9),正式測驗前分別測得跑步機攝氧峰值 (VO2peak) (EE組) 與下肢最大肌力 (1RM) (RE組) 後,其中EE組以75% VO2peak的速度進行30分鐘的下坡跑 (-10°),RE組則在斜式腿部推舉機上以120% 1RM進行單次離心阻力運動 (6次/組,共計10組)。兩組在運動前、運動後90分鐘、24及48小時分別檢測得cfPWV、ADN、肌酸激酶 (creatine kinese, CK) 及C反應蛋白 (C-reactive protein, CRP)。結果:EE組與RE組之CK於運動後各時間點均顯著上升,平均cfPWV也於運動後24 (5.47 ± 0.59 m/s) 及48 (5.44 ± 0.68 m/s) 小時顯著高於運動前 (5.18 ± 0.47 m/s, p < .05),但ADN及CRP濃度皆無顯著改變 (p > .05),cfPWV與AND變化僅在運動後90分鐘達顯著相關 (r = - .51, p < .05)。結論:從事不同型態離心運動均會引發肌肉損傷及短暫中心動脈硬化現象,但不會造成脂締素濃度的改變,顯示短暫動脈硬化現象與ADN無直接關係。 |
英文摘要 | Cardiovascular disease (CVD) gets prevalent with advancing age. It is one of the important leading causes of death in many countries. Recent studies have found central pulse wave velocity (carotid-femoral PWV, cfPWV) and adiponectin (ADN) are both predictive markers for cardiovascular diseases clinically. Adiponectin has been found to link with anti-inflammatory effects and ameliorate atherosclerosis. Previous study suggested eccentric exercise could induce transient arterial stiffening; however, it is still unknown whether such effects are exercise type dependent and interact with ADN response. Purpose: to determine the effects of muscle damage induced by acute downhill running and eccentric resistance exercise on cfPWV and ADN, as well as its relationship. Methods: eighteen apparent healthy males were randomly assigned into downhill running (EE, n=9) and eccentric resistance exercise (RE, n=9) groups. Peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak= 50.5 ± 7.6 ml/kg/min) and one prepetition maximum of inclined leg press (1RM= 222.4 ± 55.2 kg) were determined respectively prior to experiment. EE group performed 30 minutes of the downhill running at -10° of slope that could elicit 75% of individual VO2peak, whereas RE group performed 120% 1RM eccentric contractions for 6 reps × 10 sets. cfPWV, ADN, creatine kinese (CK), and C-reactive protein (CRP) were measured pre-exercise, 90 minutes, 24 and 48 hours post-exercise. Results: CK of EE and RE group were significantly higher than the pre-exercise; PWV of two groups were also significantly higher on 24 (5.47 ± 0.59 m/s) and 48 hours post-exercise (5.44 ± 0.68 m/s) as compared to pre-exercise (5.18 ± 0.47 m/s) (p< .05) respectively. Compared with pre-exercise, ADN and CRP did no altered after performing eccentric exercise (p> .05); however, ΔcfPWV was correlated with ΔADN (r = -.51, p< .05) 90 minutes post-exercise. Conclusion: both downhill running and eccentric resistance exercise increased muscle damage and cfPWV, but did not altered adiponectin response, suggesting that such transient central arterial stiffening effects appeared not directly associated with adiponectin. |
起訖頁 | 019-032 |
關鍵詞 | 心血管疾病、動脈硬化、肌肉損傷、延遲性肌肉痠痛、發炎反應、cardiovascular disease、arterial stiffness、muscle damage、delayed onset muscle soreness、inflammation |
刊名 | 體育學報 |
出版單位 | 中華民國體育學會 |
期數 | 201503 (48:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/102472972015034801002 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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