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A 78-Year-Old Female Presented with Chest Pain after Falling Down
作者 陶桂蘭陳薏文莊政諺




A 78-year-old female patient suffered from a right rib fracture due to a fall. Three weeks later, she was.admitted to the hospital with suspected delayed hemothorax and empyema. Through detailed medical history inquiry and evaluation based on subsequent CT scans and bacterial culture reports, it was con-firmed that she had septic arthritis of the right knee with an associated abscess and bacteremia. After undergoing thoracoscopic decortication of right pleura and multiple changes in antibiotic treatments tailored to her condition, the systemic infection was successfully controlled, and she was eventually discharged. In patients diagnosed with traumatic hemothorax complicated by empyema, the right knee pain upon admission is often considered a symptom of the trauma, but it could also be a signif-icant factor contributing to the patient’s fall and subsequent delayed bleeding leading to right-sided empyema. Therefore, it is essential to thoroughly inquire about the patient’s various complaints and symptoms, conduct a detailed medical history and physical examination, and then make a comprehen-sive judgment based on the results of laboratory and imaging tests to promptly establish an accurate differential diagnosis and treatment plan. This approach will enable timely and appropriate treatment for the patient, reducing the mortality rate and the potential occurrence of various complications.


起訖頁 058-065
關鍵詞 創傷性血胸膿胸化膿性關節炎金黃色葡萄球菌菌血症traumatic hemothoraxempyemaseptic arthritisstaphylococcus aureusbacteremia
刊名 台灣專科護理師學刊  
期數 202408 (11:1期)
出版單位 台灣專科護理師學會
該期刊-上一篇 一位44歲中年女性的急性胸痛案例報告




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